Chapter 3

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Just like the saying "No man rules alone", Durza knew that he couldn't become the most powerful if he was just one man, cursed or not. He needed agents, chaotic wizards who would serve him, or an army, an undead army. For now however, Durza was wandering around looking for more wizards with new magics to take. Until he found one, this magic signature felt benevolent yet powerful, he needed to know what magic this was and take it for himself.

He traced the magic signature to a nearby town, where the wizard was waiting for him at the entrance, so he wasn't the only one who detected something powerful nearby. "Who are you?!" the wizard inquired, "Oh just a tired traveler looking for shelter" Durza said, this did not ease the wizard's nerves seeing as they launched a sun magic fireball towards the dark wizard, Durza countered the attack with his own sun magic, the clash dispersed both attacks, but the wizard was nowhere to be seen, Durza looked up and saw them with a pair of large fiery wings out of their back, these flames were not fire or yellow, these flames were a mix of blue and orange, so this was the magic he sensed. The flying wizard harshly flapped his wings sending a powerful gust of wind towards Durza, The Magic thief used his earth curse to block the attack but was surprised when his wall shattered instantly as the wizard closed the distance on him, Durza did not have time to counterattack as the wizard grabbed his throat and dragged him across the ground. Durza can't just take his magic right here no, powerful wizards can block out his curse's effects, he'd have to knock out this wizard before he can take their magic, their weapon/staff was quite impressive as well.

Durza turned his arm into rock and punched the wizard in the face and in his stomach which seemed to do the trick as the wizard let go, but the wizard did not give up so easily, not giving Durza a chance to counterattack, he used his "phoenix magic" which is what Durza assumed it was called, to launch a fireball towards Durza to which the dark wizard used his earth curse again to create a large, sharp spike which dispersed the attack. Durza was quite overwhelmed by the wizard's power, he decided that he could not win this battle and that he must do a tactical retreat. He tunneled into the earth, thus escaping the battle.

He resurfaced in the middle of a forest, 'I'll need an army if I want to defeat that wizard, fortunately for me though there's a tomb nearby, I sense that the corpses buried there are great warriors, I shall resurrect them, but not now. I need to get more powerful if I want to best the phoenix wizard'  he thought.

He wasn't even sure if his army would make a difference in their battle, he would have to make sure he was capable of defeating them on his own, and to do that he needed more power, more magics, more curses.

*5 months later*

During his 5 months of preparation, Durza had figured out the name of the wizard he sought to defeat, their name was Theos, The War Phoenix, and he was the protector of a town named Aberon. Durza had accumulated many more magics and more curses, including the fire curse, ice curse, and the lightning curse, as well as resurrecting a massive undead army, Durza was confident he would be able to defeat Theos at this point but he was sorely mistaken.

Durza was getting better at concealing his magic, so much so that Theos did not even sense his presence until they were already at Aberon's gates. Theos wasted no time in dealing with Durza's army and annihilated them all instantly, Durza was furious at this and the two wizards clashed once more.

Their battle lasted hours, many forests and villages, even Aberon, which Theos swore to protect with his life was destroyed in the crossfire, yet Durza was losing badly, he had lost a leg to the Phoenix's flames and he was getting desperate, he combined all of his magics, curses except for the earth curse into one massive attack as a last ditch effort to defeat The War Phoenix, but the attack missed and hit the ground instead, shattering the continent into many small islands and massacring almost 80% of the world's population, Theos was launched to the other side of the globe, thus ending the battle as yet another stalemate. Theos swore that he would find the dark wizard once more and put an end to their life, avenging Aberon and 80% of humanity.

Durza's curses however were dispersed in his attack, leaving only his countless magics, dead revival magic and the earth curse in his arsenal. This was a major setback for Durza's climb to power as most of the wizards with powerful magics were killed in his attack.

He used his earth curse once more and created another fortress in the dead strait in what would later be known, as the 7th sea.

-867 words

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