Chapter 4

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*800 years later*

During Durza's centuries of solitude, he had shed his physical body in exchange for a nigh invincible magical form, he had found a way to make multiple forms of himself which all had one mind, this allowed him into continue his research in his fortress as well as accumulate more magics and curses, now he has countless sea curses, right, curses were dubbed as sea curses after the continent was shattered, a person with multiple curses is called a supercurse user, as of now there are only two, Durza and Cursebeard.

In order to get multiple curses, you have to either need to have the absorption curse or touch multiple sea curses at the exact same time, if you are even a millisecond off, the process will fail. Durza's attack left extremely high magic radiation in the water, should an elemental curse user be completely submerged in seawater, their body will react violently and they will be paralysed at best, a gruesome death at worst, it depends on how powerful they are, it's much worse for supercurse users though, should even half of their body be submerged in seawater, they will explode.

Now that 800 years have passed since the attack that shook the earth, Theos had followers of his own, who work to search for The Dark Wizard, and a new world power has risen, called the Arcane Government, they have become the de facto world government and they have been challenging the One Shot Pirates also known as Cursbeard's crew, and they've been making Durza's plan of controlling the world much harder, Durza raised sunken ships which where unsinkable to give the Arcane Government some problems of their own.

One of Durza's many forms is currently in the 1st Sea, using dead revival magic he resurrected the old King of savaria as an undead puppet to assert control over the sea. And it appears that Theos was here too, but he has no intention of facing him, he heard about Theos' battle with the Arcane Government in the 4th sea and how all of his followers were killed by Admiral Argestes of the Arcane Government and his galleon was flung all the way here.

However it appears that Theos has a new disciple, who is currently very weak, but Durza senses great potential from him, who they are is unknown to Durza but he will observe them with great interest.

As for Cursebeard it would seem that he has decided that Durza was becoming far too much of a threat, and was currently in the 6th sea planning to wage war with him, but that isn't too much of a concern for Durza, as he is confident in his abilities to defeat them and Cursebeard has a mere 4 curses which are Blaze, Ice, Tide, and Energy, while Durza has countless.

Durza was getting quite bored waiting for Cursebeard, he had estimated that it would take 1-2 months for them to arrive. His main body doesn't really have much to do in his fortress, nobody to talk to, no enemies to slay, he can't risk going outside because because his main body is the most vulnerable, if this body dies, so will the rest of his forms.

*1 month later*
In the span of one month, Theos' disciple has shown more growth than most wizards achieve in a lifetime, they have already unlocked their 2nd mind and is currently sailing towards the 3rd sea, presumably heading for Alalea, the One Shot Pirates' capital city and the location of Cursebeard's Palace. Durza was intrigued by this wizard, how do they have such high magic potential, but that is a question for another time.

As for Cursebeard, his fleet was currently at the entrance of the dead strait, preparing to siege his fortress, Durza sent his unsinkable fleet along with one of his forms to defend it.

Durza's fleet opened fire upon the One Shot Pirates, and they retaliated with their own, but the cannonballs didn't even make a dent on the risen ships. "Stop firing!" Cursebeard shouted, "I'll deal with this myself", Cursebeard used his ice curse and froze the unsinkable ships in their tracks as well as the waters of the dead strait, creating a frozen battlefield for the long war ahead of them.

Cursebeard sent out expeditions into the frozen wastes to search for Durza's main fortress but they never returned, well when they were alive at least. Durza's form defending the fortress ambushed their expeditions, killing them only to revive them and send them back to Cursebeard's fleet.

This had a major psychological effect on the One Shot Pirates which is exactly what Durza had planned, Cursebeard decided to fight Durza himself. The dark wizard was waiting for this moment, he was beyond excited to finally face Cursebeard, "Show yourself coward!" Cursebeard shouted, "Right here" Durza responded, "I'm here to put an end to your schemes!" Cursebeard stated, "A fool's errand, Cursebeard" Durza said, "Enough talk!" Cursebeard said as he leapt up into the air using his energy curse,

"I'm feeling merciful, I'll go easy on you, at least for now" Durza said, quoting the exact words he said to the first curse user he fought. Durza charged a combined beam of shadow and light which he knew by his previous experiments, would create a powerful Explosion, Cursebeard used his energy curse to crest a barrier which deflected the attack to a nearby iceberg, shattering it.

Cursebeard once again used his energy curse to close the distance with Durza, and charged his arm with his blaze curse and punched Durza right in the face. But Durza's face regenerated instantly, "You really thought I would be defeated so easily?" Durza taunted him, "I wouldn't allow myself to be defeated that easily by the likes of you" Durza used speed magic to dash away from Cursebeard's grip, he used the earth curse to create spikes which shot out of the ground poised to impale Cursebeard, but he dodged them using the energy curse again. "This was the first curse I've ever taken you know, tailored it to my own designs." Durza said, "You mean the first curse you've stolen!" Cursebeard spat, You aren't going to lecture me about that are you, pirate? While you had those mere 4 curses, I've spent the last 800 years accumulating magics and curses" Durza said "I think it's about time someone put you in your place" the dark wizard said, preparing the 7 source magics, "I'll do what Prometheus never could" he said as he replaced the 7 magics with their respective mutations. "Go ahead and try, you won't be the first to claim that" Cursebeard responded, "Certainly not, but I'll definitely be the last" Durza shot back

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