Chapter 5

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Cursebeard was fighting a losing battle, every time he got a hit on Durza, they would heal instantly and that was if he even got a hit on them. He knew he had to retreat, pursuing this fight would be a waste of his time, his energy curse enabled him to have infinite energy so that wasn't a problem. He may be unable to get tired but he can still get hurt, unlike Durza's form which was practically invincible.

As for Theos' disciple, Durza discovered their mission, which was to stop a rogue Life wizard from resurrecting someone, as it turns out, that someone was Morock Creed aka the Hound of God, who was probably the most powerful person over 100 years ago, before he was defeated by the Grand Admiral of the Arcane Government, another curse user. Morock Creed wielded the most powerful curse of all, the most powerful of the Grand Fire Curses, the Promethean Flame Curse, the Grand Fire Curses were created by Prometheus as his last effort in killing Cursebeard, he hoped that whoever absorbed it would put an end to Cursebeard's life.

Unfortunately, Morock Creed thought of that as a mere errand to do later, and instead, focused on the destruction of the Arcane Government, and he did destroy the Arcane Government's largest fleet, the Golden Armada, but was killed by his own blind rage as he severely damaged his own ship, the Bermuda Locket, and Grand Admiral Valencia delivered the final blow, knocking Morock into the depths below. The reason nobody has found the Promethean Flame Curse yet is because if a Grand Fire Curse user dies in the water, the curse is launched into orbit.

And this life wizard planned to revive him but unlike Durza's dead revival magic, their method would allow the resurrected to retain their free will, and Morock Creed during his final moments was blinded by his rage and would destroy the entire 3rd Sea before regaining his senses, despite not having his curse anymore, Morock's fire magic was extraordinary, greater than the likes of Theos. He would potentially give Durza some trouble, should he make it his mission to eliminate the Dark Wizard.

But he had no intention in stopping the resurrection as Theos' disciple would be killed in the process, so that was going to be one problem done. The reason Durza doesn't want to kill them himself is because he was bored and he wanted to see where this would go. Theos' disciple and the rogue wizard's battle ended with the life wizard's spell being incomplete, the name of the life wizard being Angel. Morock's body was not resurrected but his soul was. It appears that Morock gave Angel some power which evolved their fire magic into Promethean Fire Magic, which was mere embers of the real curse, now this was a potential problem, as Angel joined forces with Theos' disciple to defeat the Dark Wizard.

Rupin is here in the 3rd Sea as well, Rupin is the current Fire Curse user, a curse which he once had before he lost it when he launched his attack at Theos 800 years ago. Normally, Durza would try and face Rupin to take the fire curse again, but seeing as Theos' disciple was on their way to fight them, he chose not to interfere, he wanted to have as little interaction as possible with them.

As far as Durza could hear, their plan was to merely scout out the location and return to Trigno The Volcano, who bears the Magma Curse, so that Trigno can go fight Rupin himself, but Rupin hid his true magic power and made himself appear weak, Theos' disciple decided that they were going to defeat Rupin themselves despite it angering Trigno, which is obviously, a terrible idea.

As Theos' disciple closed in for the the killing blow, Rupin suddenly sent out a massive heatwave revealing his true magic power which was far stronger than what they could handle, they attempted to escape but Rupin would not allow them, he took flight with his curse and intercepted their escape, grabbing their throat and flying high into the air and sent out a flurry of fiery punches before finishing with a back flip kick sending them plummeting to the ground and creating a small crater with Theos' disciple at the center. With the last bit of strength they had, they launched themselves away from the island and into the sea, escaping a fiery death, in exchange for a watery grave.

Fortunately for them though Theos had sensed Rupin's magic signature and went towards it to investigate, they caught a glimpse of something being launched into the water, which turned out to be his disciple. They had wounds that would be fatal if not treated soon, he immediately took them back to Sabura, a large desert city where Angel was. Rupin's cursed flames were burning away at their flesh, only a combined effort between Angel and Theos' Life and Phoenix magic would have even a chance at healing their wounds.

They awoke to a sandstone roof, not that they were knew to that as they passed out fighting an undead curse user back in the 1st Sea and awoke to another sandstone roof, huh, coincidence. There was someone nearby who they pressumed to be a doctor, "Where's Angel?" they inquired, "She told me to tell you when you wake up that she was waiting by the docks near Trigno's flagship." the doctor replied, "Thank you" they said, they went outside and followed the road until they found their way to the docks. "Angel? Where's Theos?" they asked, "Ah, you're awake!" Angel said, surprised yet relieved at their quick recovery, "Theos told me to give you this letter when you wake up" Angel stated as she handed them a letter, "He told me not to open it myself, and that it was for your eyes only" Angel said.

They opened the letter and read it, "My disciple, if you are confused on why I left so suddenly and where I currently am then I shall answer your question, I believe I have finally found Durza at a tower called Stormwall, as well as another powerful magic signature, I couldn't wait for you to wake up as this is the first chance I've had in centuries to finally put an end to The Dark Wizard. Do not try to follow me." the note read, "Angel, we need to go, now!"

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