Chapter 74 - Looking at Each Other

Start from the beginning

Ronja gives Tanner a surprised, speculative look. Most people struggle to believe that someone like him can make such good food, myself included and I should be used to it. Many only start to believe it after continuous exposure to the fact.

Molly doesn't seem to share my protective feelings regarding Ronja's fragility; she looks ready to go a round or two with the girl. Gloves off.

Is she jealous?

I hope not. I like Molly; she is a great girl, but if her jealousy is about Tanner, she needs to drop it as soon as possible. The guy will maul her to death and not even notice it. His love settings are all out of whack. She should just eat his food, give him feedback and not let her heart get involved at all. Almost anybody else in this group would be a safer option... even me... and I'd be willing. I'm starting to get to know her better and think she's really fun.

She used to be so quiet at chess practice that I never really got to know her before. Not that chess practice leaves much room for socialising, with everybody concentrating hard. Still, chatting happens; she just never joins in much. Once in a blue moon, she'd make some really funny remarks, but usually only to herself, though she's had me in stitches with those a few times when I heard her.

I don't think she knows about the incident connecting Tanner and Ronja. If she did, would she look more relaxed or be completely freaked out and run away completely? I don't want her to leave. She says crazy things, and Tan looks so happy while he's feeding her and talking to her about his food. If she could endure it a bit longer, she might actually have a good influence on him; he seems to be more himself when he's with her. It would be awesome if they could become real friends.

She is a little subdued today, and I can see Tan giving her odd looks where he's seated at her feet, her willing servant. I wonder if he realises that he actually likes the girl and that they are becoming friends. If he does and accepts it, this might end differently for a change... I hope.

Next to me, Ash is as tense as an overstretched drum. I touch him and am surprised that he doesn't thrum loudly or snap. He just turns his eyes to look at me and tries to smile, knowing I'm checking on him. I give his arm an encouraging pat and settle down with my back against his shoulder.

Things between him and Paisley have grown increasingly tense over the last two days. I heard her tell him that she's breaking up with him, and I know they're both dying on the inside. They're hurting, and I have no idea how to help them. None of my science books has theories on how to deal with situations like this, and I am clueless when it comes to hearts and emotions and stuff like that.

If Ash leaves, he'll not just be leaving Paisley. The guy is my best friend and my brother!

It's a stupid mess, and I think Ash is complicating it more than it has to be, but I get where he is coming from. I am going to find a way to stop him from leaving. I have to. He will not be alright all by himself without all of us around him. Physically, sure, but emotionally he'll eat himself alive.

Paisley is in cruel mode today, which means that she is really going through hell. She is smiling and laughing, pretending that the dude doesn't exist. I know it's fake. Up until she sat down, she'd looked ready to slaughter an entire colony of pixies. I wish she would just stop. It's a pity that Willow isn't here; she oddly seems to know how to soothe my sister.

"I have a date tonight," she announces, and I can feel Ash's arm spasm. What the hell is she trying to do now?

"Paisley, give it a rest," I warn, but she just glares green fire at me and continues with her bullshit.

"What?" she challenges. "Last night at rehearsals, Austin Turner asked me to see a movie with him tonight, and I said yes."

"What movie?" Tommy wants to know, and Paisley gives him a killer look. I kinda share her feelings this time. Who cares what bloody movie it is? There are more important questions to ask here, like...

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