Chapter Eighteen

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Lily's POV.

Two hours passed by painfully slow. I've been pushing and pushing and at some I felt like I was about to fall apart. The pain was so intense that I didn't think I could do it anymore. Beads of sweat broke out of my forehead. My hair was a mess and the nurses are urging me to continue pushing. "Push!"

I ground my teeth as I pushed again and collapsed on the bed breathing heavily. "Please get Vincenzo. I don't . . . think I can do this." I gasped as another strong contraction hit me.

"I'll go get him." One of the nurses said and got out of the room.

"You have to continue pushing. Your husband will be here any minute." If we were in another situation, I would've corrected her. But all I wanted to do right now was get this damn baby out of me.

A few moments later, the nurse returned with Vincenzo trailing behind her. He came to my side and held my hands giving it a comforting squeeze, he gently brushed my hair from my forehead.

Tears blurred my vision as another contraction hit the pit of my belly. "I don't think... I can do this." I whimpered, clutching his hand tightly. "It hurts... It hurts so bad."

"You can do this." He stated in a firm and commanding tone. "You've not been carrying our baby for the past nine months only to give up now." He placed a chaste kiss on my damp forehead. "Don't you want to hold our little one in your arms?"

"It hurts so much -"

"You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. You will get through this, I know you will."

I clutched his hand in a death grip as another wave of contraction hit me. He didn't wince or pull away, just kept on gazing at me encouragingly. "Push."

With all the strength I had left, I kept pushing. I felt like I was going to die but still kept pushing. "We can see the head! Come on Lily, one last push!"

I groaned and pushed a lot harder than before. After what felt like forever, a baby's cry filled the room. I breathed in relief as I watched my child take his first breath.

I didn't realize I was crying until Vincenzo reached out and wiped my tears."You did it." He whispered to me as he gazed at our son in awe.

The doctor began to dry off as much fluid and blood from the baby using a soft towel just before wrapping him in a blue blanket.

The doctor handed him over to me and I couldn't stop smiling at the sight of this little human. I can't believe we made such a beautiful little human.

He looked like a mini version of his father with thick black curls and full lips. His eyes were closed so we couldn't see the color of his eyes. "He looks so much like you." I whispered never taking my eyes of his features. Their resemblance was uncanny.

Vincenzo leaned closer to inspect our baby and grinned at me. "That he does. Have you thought about names?"

"Leandre." I said smiking at him. "I thought you would want to give him his middle name?"

"Leandre Michele Romano." The name fitted him perfectly.

Our little bubble was cut short by the doctor's interruption. "Alright, we have to go run some tests on baby Leandre." He announced with a smile.

I chewed my lips nervously. "But -"

"He will be fine, Lillian. I have security everywhere, he's safe." Vincenzo said.

I reluctantly allowed the nurse to take the baby as I stared longingly at them as they walked out if the room. I resisted the urge to cry, it was difficult not to feel an instant connection with that little bundle of joy.

"He's going to be fine, okay? They just need to run a few tests and they will bring him back to us."

I nodded my head and sighed. My eyelids felt heavy but I tried to fight off the wave of exhaustion. I needed to be awake when the baby is brought back.

"You are tired. "Vince stated. "You should sleep."

"After Leandre comes back." I said tiredly.

"I'll be hear when he comes back. In the mean time you need to get some rest, you must be exhausted." And truthfully I was.

Just as I was about to shut my eyes, a thought ran through my mind causing me to immediately open them back.

"Vincenzo," I turned to him. "Did you call my parents? Oh my god! Penny is going to kill me for not calling!"

"Relax. I called them already."

"Oh? When will they be arriving?" I asked quietly.

"They will not be coming." What?

"What?" I leaned up from the bed, looking at him in confusion.

He sighed. "Lily, you of all people should know of the danger. It will not be safe for anyone to visit right now."

"But... My parents won't get to meet Leandre for the first time. Penny would be so mad." I said sadly.

"It's for their own safety. This world is dangerous, I wouldn't want to add your family into this mess." He stated firmly, leaving no room for argument.

I thinned my lips in annoyance but didn't say anything. I guess he was right.

"Go back to sleep. I'll be right here." I nodded half heartedly and leaned back on the bed and closed my eyes.

Immediately my eyes were closed shut, sleep immediately took over with a smile plastered on my face. I was really a mother now. We were parents. Things couldn't be more right...

Meanwhile... In Russia, news have gotten to Ivanov Kuzlow that Lillian had just delivered a baby boy. He was angry at the news, beyond livid. She was supposed to be having his baby not that bastard's.

During the past few months, he had attacked but Vincenzo seemed to always be one step ahead of him. So he was going to let them be for now. Make them think he had given up, let them enjoy their little happy bubble while it lasts.

He was going to catch them off guard.

Soon... He reminded himself.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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