Chapter Seventeen

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Lillian's POV.

The months flew by quickly and before I knew it, It was already nine months. Within this past two months my belly grew bigger that I couldn't see my feet when I stood. Sleeping has become so uncomfortable, I just never seem to find a comfortable position to lay in. My hormones have been all over the place, but the Romano's never complained about it. Penny and I have been talking more often during the past few months.

Vincenzo has been extra protective of me, and it became worse when the doctor announced that I could go into labor anytime. He never let me walk down the stairs alone and if he wasn't there to do it, Vee would do it.

He has decided to forgive his sister for not telling him about the bleeding, it would be unfair to forgive me and still be angry with her.

So far, there haven't been attacks from his rival. It was peaceful but I didn't forget about it. I knew it was the calm before the storm. Everyone did. The security were still intact and the soldiers were at high alert.

After so much persuasion, Vincenzo finally told me about our potential threat. Ivanov Kuzlow, the leader of the Russian mafia. He told me they had been best friends back then in college, but he had always known that Ivanov was envious of him, their friendship ended and they became sworn enemies, Ivanov wanted his mafia to be larger than Vincenzo's and he did everything to achieve that but failed, so he decided to find his weakness. Our baby.

There was a nagging feeling in my mind telling me that Ivanov isn't just doing this because of his hatred towards Vincenzo. I felt like there was something else. But I couldn't pin point it.

The sound of the doorbell brought me out of my thoughts. Vitalia and I were currently in the living room watching TV. Vincenzo was in his office doing what he does best while Carla went to pay a friend of hers a visit.

"I'll go get it." Vee announced, I replied with a nod too engrossed in the movie and munching on my popcorn.

"Vita darling! I've missed you so much!" A voice squealed out catching my attention.

I looked up from the TV screen. She was a blonde. A tall blonde. She looked about 5'7 in height. She had a model like figure, she was wearing a bright pink dress that could've been mistaken for a top (that's how short it was) it had a deep plunging neckline showing off her huge tits. She was pretty, I concluded.

"Uhm Natalya, I didn't know you were coming,"

She rolled her eyes at Vee. "That's because I wanted to surprise you guys! Where's my Vinny?" She said batting her eyelashes. Vinny?

Vee looked at me nervously. "I, uhm -"

The person in question came down the stairs and stood by my side. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "What's the noise all about?" He asked calmly.

"Oh my god Vinny! I missed you so much! Why didn't you tell me you were in Italy?! I was so worried!" She said running towards him, she came to a halt when she finally saw me.

She looked me up and down as her lips curled into a sneer. "You look so... big. Who is she Vinny?"

I curled my hands into a fist as I glared daggers at her. If there was one thing I completely disliked, it was being called fat. I will show this bitch —

Vincenzo grabbed my hand seeing my motive, as he gave me a warning look. He turned back to Natalya, "What are you doing here Natalya?"

She frowned at his tone. "I came to see you baby. You've not been answering my calls. Didn't you miss me?" She pouted, clutching his arm like her life depended on it.

Baby? Who is she? His girlfriend?
He sighed. "I'm not in the mood for this. You need to leave."

She glared at me with so much hatred. "Is it because of her?! Because of some cheap whore you got  pregnant?!" She points her fingers at me. "Listen here b*tch, when you give birth to that bastard you're carrying, he will toss you away like a trash bag!"

"Enough Natalya!"

I reached out for her and in a fit of rage, gave her a resounding slap that echoed through the room that stung my palm."Don't you dare call my child a bastard. If you have a problem with me then get the fuck out of here." From the corner of my eye I saw Vee give me a thumbs up as she pumps the air. I resisted the urge to laugh.

Natalya's face was beet red as she palmed her cheek. "Who the fuck do you think you are?!" She turned to Vincenzo. "Vinny, do something!" She whined.

"Leave Natalya."

She huffed and grabbed her bag and walked out, slamming the door with a loud bang.

"My god! She's so dramatic!" Vee said as she plops down on the sofa. "Vinny, do something!" She mimicked earning a glare from her brother.

I felt pressure in my lower belly and I winced at the odd sensation. It wasn't intense. It was kind of... strained.

Vee came to my side. "Are you okay? You look pale." Vince suddenly looked concerned.

"I'm fine. I think I need to pee." I said slightly embarrassed as I turn to make my way to the bathroom.

A much more intense pain hit the bottom of my stomach making me gasp.

"Lily are you —" Liquid trickle down my legs, Vee gasped in horror. Vincenzo was quick to come to my side.

"I think... I think my water just broke."

I froze. No. No. No. I was going into labor. Oh god, why now? I wasn't even ready yet!

Another contraction a lot more stronger than the last hit my lower belly making me whimper in pain.

"Holy shit! She's having the baby! What are we going to do? What if the baby comes out now?" Vee ramped in panic and if I wasn't in so much pain, I would have laughed at her expression.

"Come on, let's get you to the hospital." Vincenzo murmured calmly but I could see the excitement in his eyes. He gently pulled me the living room and into the garage and kissed the top of my head as he helped me into the back seat. He bought another car a month ago and when I asked him why he said, it was a family car.

Pain shot through my back as I sat in the back seat making me groan. Vee returned with the baby bags and sat down next to me.

Vincenzo started the engine and drove us to the hospital.

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