Chapter One

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"Lilly! Get your ass out of that bed, we are going to be so late!" My best friend from hell yelled at the top of her lungs.

I groaned into the pillow in frustration and glanced at the clock.


I glared heatedly at my so called best friend, if looks could kill she would be dead right now. "Why on earth did you wake me up now when my appointment is at 10?" I gritted my teeth. She looked around sheepishly knowing I was right.

"I know, I'm sorry! I'm just so excited to know the gender and there could be traffic and-"

"Penny, the hospital is just a forty minutes drive from here, stop rambling and calm the fuck down." With the way she was rambling you'd think she was the pregnant one and not the other way round. I got up reluctantly and walked to the toilet to pee since this baby has decided to sit on my bladder.

I sighed in relief and cleaned up, I glanced at my best friend who thought it was a good idea to follow me into the bathroom.

"Okay, you are awake already why don't you just take a shower and dress up, while I make breakfast, sounds good?" I sighed and nodded my head. She walked out of the bathroom leaving me alone with my thoughts.

It's been five months since I've last seen him, the father of my child and my ex boyfriend. I found out I was two months pregnant, a month after he dumbed me without any explanation. We were together for two years, I moved in with him after our one year anniversary.

I should have seen it coming though after he started keeping late nights, drowning himself with work, making secret calls, he barely had time for me, barely spoke to me we were like strangers in our home.

He never talked about his family and when I asked he always brushed off the topic saying he never wanted anything to do with them, I thought it was a touchy subject so I stopped asking.

He worked as a manager in a construction company but he never allowed me to visit him at work, he said something about not wanting me to distract him at work. I also worked as a secretary in a company, I came back after a hectic day at work to find all his belongings gone, not a single sign of him in the house. Only a heartbreaking letter that said;

I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore. I realized that I don't deserve you, you deserve someone better, someone who will love and care for you more than I did. I never stopped loving you even if it wasn't enough.

Vincenzo Romano.

I cried that night till I didn't have anymore tears left to cry, I felt my heart shatter into millions of pieces. I called his number over and over again for a whole month but he never picked. I packed my belongings the next day and moved out of the house, it was too painful to live in a house full of so many memories. I sent the house document and keys to his office, I later heard that he moved out of the city to God knows where. I had no choice but to move in with penny and we share the rent and bills.

Penny had been so understanding she didn't ask me what happened till I was ready to talk. She could be annoying at times but she was still my best friend and I love her so much.

I snapped out of my depressing thoughts, I tried to stop thinking about him but how is that possible when I am carrying the evidence of our love. He always wanted a child but I wasn't ready for one at the time. Now look where I am pregnant and alone, but that didn't stop me from loving my baby any less. He or she was my world and I couldn't have it any other way.

As if listening to my thoughts, I felt the baby kick up a storm in my swollen belly. I'm six months pregnant and the doctor said we could find out the gender today. I'm so excited! Penny wants it be a girl so she can buy her girl stuffs but whether its a girl or boy I wouldn't love he or she any less.

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