Chapter Sixteen

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Lillian's POV.

A few days have passed since I was admitted to the hospital. And I have come to the conclusion that I hated hospitals.

The boring white walls and tasteless food was starting to irritate me, thankfully I will be discharged today.

Carla, Vita, Rico and even Antonio were the only company I had. They kept me company throughout the day. I think Antonio and I have agreed to be civil to each other because he wasn't scowling at me every second of the day.

I appreciated their company, because if not for them, I would be drowning in my biggest fears. The doctor had told me about the risk of losing my baby or having a premature birth and I try to put up a cool facade with them. But they saw right through it when I would space out during our conversation.

Vincenzo has been checking up on me too. But he never stayed to talk to me. He would only inquire about my health and ask if I needed anything before leaving.

It hurts me that he isn't speaking to me, but I know it's all my fault. I had kept such a big secret from him and I was ashamed of myself. But he wouldn't give me the chance to talk to him. He cuts me off whenever I tried to bring it up.

"Come on, Lily. You've been discharged. The others are waiting outside." Vita announced.

She helped me up from the bed and together we walked outside the hospital. The winter's breeze wafted through my hair like a lover's kiss, and I breath in a the scent of flowers. After being cooped up in a hospital room, I desperately needed it.

We got to where the car was parked, and realized that Vincenzo was already at the driver's side. Carla smiled at me and the three of us entered the car.

Without another word, he started the engine and zoomed off.

After driving for minutes, he pulled into the driveway of the mansion and turned off the engine.

We immediately alighted from the car and walked into the mansion, in an awkward silence.

"I'll go make lunch." Carla stated and without waiting for a reply, hurried into the kitchen.

"I-I'll go see if she needs some help." Vee said as she quickly followed her mother. Traitors.

"Come with me, I have something to discuss with you." Vincenzo said calmly as he took my hand in his. Tingles shot up my entire body at his touch, I never wanted it to stop.

No! I did not just think that. I do not want him to touch me!

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize that we've reached his private office door until he opened it and led me inside. The office was looking the same, neatly folded files, no drop of dirt, the office looked exactly how a company's office would look. He had always been a neat freak.

He sat down behind his desk and gestured for me to do the same. I complied and we sat facing each other. I grew nervous at his close scrutiny, it felt as if we were in some kind of interview.

After staring at me for what felt like minutes but was only a few seconds he finally spoke, "How are you feeling, Lillian?"

Ugh! Not this question again, I groaned internally. Since I got admitted to the hospital, I was treated like some fragile doll that would break at a slight touch. It was beginning to annoy me.

"I'm fine." I replied gruffly.

"Good." He nodded stiffly, thinning his lips in displeasure at my attitude. "The doctor gave me some prescriptions." He handed me a small box, I opened it, it was filled with prenatal drugs. I scrunched up my nose in disgust at the smell and he gave me a warning look.

"You are to take them regularly and I've arranged for your appointments with the doctor two times in a week." I nodded in understanding. If it were another situation I would have retorted at his tone of voice. But this wasn't the time, we had to grow the fuck up and take responsibility for our baby.

"Have you had something to eat?" I nodded, muttering a silent 'yes'. I had eaten in the hospital before we came back. He handed me a glass of water, I looked at him in confusion. He sighed. "You have to take your drugs." He explained.

"Oh," I popped some pills into my mouth and gulped it down with the water. His eyes glinted in satisfaction.

"That's all for now. You can go back to your room." He said dismissing me. He looked like he wanted to say more, and I knew exactly what he wanted to say.

"Don't you think it's high time we talked about this?" I finally broke the silence.

"You want to talk huh? Okay let's talk. I'm pissed at you, beyond livid. I'm angry at the fact that you have to do this alone. You didn't have the right to hide something like that from me!" He was pacing now, tugging his hair in frustration.

I walked to him and held my hand in his. "I know what I did was wrong. Very wrong. And I'm so sorry. It's high time we left whatever we have against each other and try to be civil for the sake of our baby." I told him looking into his eyes. They held so much emotions that it shocked me.

He tries to hide his face from me but I cupped his cheek, silently telling him that it was okay to feel. It was okay to be vulnerable with me, he doesn't have to be hide his emotions from me.

We stood staring at each other before he pulled me into a bone crushing hug, being careful not to crush my belly. I rest my head on his chest as I struggle to control my emotions. This felt all to familiar, I never wanted to leave his comforting embrace but I needed to act on my words.

"I was so scared. The thought of losing you and the baby -"

"Shh, you didn't lose either of us. The baby is okay, isn't he?" I whisper softly.

He kissed the top of my head and pulled away. He smiled showcasing his white teeth and I felt the corner of my mouth tug into a smile.

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