Chapter Fourteen

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The long awaited POV is finally here, I know! Most of you have been requesting for a chapter in Vincenzo's POV. Well, here it is! Enjoy!

A/n: This is a chapter of the moment they arrived at the hospital.

- V I N C E N Z O -

The second we made it to the hospital, I immediately pulled the car to a stop and called out for an emergency stretcher. I carried her into my arms as the nurses wheeled the stretcher to our direction and placed her on it.

They immediately wheeled her inside and into an emergency room, I attempted to follow them into the room but I was stopped by a doctor.

I glared at him and grabbed his collar. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I growled darkly.

"I'm sorry, Mr Romano. But you're not allowed to be in the emergency room until we're sure what's wrong with her." The doctor spoke nervously. He should be nervous, alright. Because I'm seconds away from strangling the life out of him only one thing stopping me. Lillian.

I tightened my grip on his collar. "Now listen to me carefully, if anything happens to her or my child. I promise to make sure you don't have a career anymore, at least not in this lifetime." I seethed, making sure he knew how serious I was with those statement. I wouldn't hesitate to do just what I said.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and stiffened."Vince let him do his job, the more time we waste, the more danger she'll be in." My mother said. I knew she was right and immediately let go of the doctor. He scrambled inside and closed the door behind him.

I leaned against the door as I ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

I felt hands on my shoulder. Again. "Son, She'll be —"
I glared at her hands on my shoulder and she immediately retreated it like it burned and I turned and walked away from her, ignoring the hurt that flashed through her eyes.

Vitalia was sitting on the floor a few inches away from me, tears were streaming down her face as she sobbed uncontrollably with a guilty expression on her face. But I didn't have the heart to console her, I had my own shit to deal with.

The image of blood gushing out of Lillian kept on taunting me. Karma was really a bitch, because I had always been the one to make someone bleed. But the sight of it coming out of her, knowing what it entails caused a feeling inside me. Fear. Ever since I met Lillian I started having unwanted feelings that I didn't like one bit.

I always gained pleasure from watching the life slip out my victim's eyes. It was satisfactory to know that they died by my hands or my gun. I know it's considered sadistic, but that's who I am an it can't be changed. This is how I've always been, way before I met Lillian. I didn't know why I felt the need to protect Lilly from seeing that side of me, I always used women as my personal plaything, making sure to let them know that it was a meaningless fling. And those that caught feelings, I ended it with them immediately.

In my world, you weren't allowed to feel. Showing emotions were considered a sign of weakness, at least that was what I was thought by him. My father. I chuckled bitterly at the memory, he sure made me the cold and empty man I am today.

He didn't abuse me physically, far from that. It was much worse. He was my worst nightmare as a child, my own father. He tormented me, scarred my entire childhood. While his wife watched from a corner, she never said a word. I closed my eyes shut tightly, trying to get rid of those thoughts.

Frustratedly, I ran my hands through my hair as images of Lilly kept playing out in my head. It was the possibility of losing our son. I didn't even want to think about it.

I had been so busy dealing with the threats from my enemies, that I hadn't ever thought of booking an appointment with the doctor so she could go for check ups.

It was all my fault.

"V-vince?" Vita croaked wiping her tears filled face with the sleeve of her shirt.

"Not now, Vitalia."

"B-but I-I have to tell you, I can't bear the guilt of knowing that I-I could have s-stopped this from happening earlier." She sniffled.

That seem to catch my attention as my head snapped towards her. "What are you talking about?"

She stared at the floor while shifting from foot to foot. "I knew Lily has been bleeding for a few days but she pleaded with me not to tell you. She didn't want to get you worried." She said quickly that I wouldn't have been able to hear her if I wasn't concentrating on her words. I heard my mother gasp in shock.

I continue staring at her as I tightened my fist and struggled to control myself from lashing at her. How could she have hidden something so important from me?

I walked up to her as I leaned down to her height so our eyes could make contact. "Pray nothing happens to her and my son or... I'll never forgive you." I spat meaning every word. Sister or not, I wouldn't hesitate to cut off all ties with her. I care for her but I won't stand been kept in the dark.

Her lips wobbled and tears continued streaming out of her eyes, I turned my back towards her and walked away.

From the corner of my eye, I saw my mother walk up to her and gathered her into her arms. I could hear her sobs throughout the hallway as I walked away.

I needed to get away from them. To cool off for a bit or I wasn't sure I'll be able to control my anger.


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Vincenzo's Heir Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora