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We went to school and everything was normal and boring except of my friend's behaviour. First, Taehyung was avoiding me now all of them joined to avoid me together. It seems like they are hidding something.

I went to class and everyone was whispering about the new kid. The teacher entered the class with the transferred student. He introduced himself to rest of the class and sit with another classmate. Keeping eye contact with me.

Yes, you are right. It's Sungchan. I finally break the eye contact with him and pay attention to my lesson but i felt a pair of eyes on me the whole time.

After class I was packing my bag with someone stand beside me.

"Are you again going to leave me alone?"Sungchan asked.

"Oh sungchan. I'm sorry for what happened in the mall." I apologized standing up from my seat.

And walking to class door Sungchan follwing me

"No it's ok. But now you can't get rid of me." He exclaimed looking at my eyes. Why is he staring at me like that?

I giggled to make it less intense.

"Yeah, sure." I stepped out of the classroom where Jungkook always waits for me.

"Y/n!" Jungkook called, coming closer to me wrapping his arms around my waist and then he saw Sungchan.

"What is he doing here?" Jungkook asked looking at Sungchan.

Jungkook P.O.V

Sungchan smirked at me. I wanted to punched his face so badly.

"I'm going to study here from now on. With y/n."Sungchan exclaimed with his smirk.

His motives are something else. I can feel that.

"Not only me but with whole school." Y/n said.

"Let's go then." Y/n said and hold her hand.

I glared on Sungchan one last time and went with y/n.


After school follow Sungchan. He has always been between mine and y/n's relationship. He used to be Y/n's best friend before I met Y/n. But how could let that happen? How could I let someone else be close to her? Anyways he left the town at young age so I wasn't big problem.

Sungchan is weird. He was walking to forest except of going to his house he went to an abandoned warehouse. I always find this guy creepy but why he is going to an abandoned warehouse.

He looked around and entered the warehouse carefully. I also followed him. Luckily or purposely the door was open. I had my knife just in case. I looked around and couldn't found Sungchan.

"Well, well, well look who's here?" He spoken sarcastic in his voice and stand infront of me. Dude, we are not in 70s filn where every villain says this same typical line.

"Jeon Jungkook " I didn't spoken a word."Who has a psychological problem. And has been killing everyone around." He exclaimed with a smirk.

What the heck! How he knew about it?

"What you want?" I asked.

"Is it clear? I want y/n." I chuckled.

"Yeah sure." I stated mocking his sarcastic voice.

He glared intensely.

"I'm serious psycho. You came between me and  Y/n. Y/n was first mine. I loved her first. I deserve her the most."

"You Loved her first?" I chuckled.

"We were kids when you left korea. And moreover y/n choose me over you back then. And will still choose me." I stated proudly.

"I have proof that you killed all the people around her." He exclaimed.

"Oh really. And know you killed her brother." He paused. "Y/n will hate for that you know that right?" I smirk.

"But her brother didn't let me see her." He said.

"Whatever, y/n loved her brother alot and you killed him." I said."I can kill you right here, but I want to play this game that you have started." I smirked and left.

He really think he can take Y/n away from me? He is just a pathetic psychopath.


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