
23 4 1

"So you like Han?" Jungkook asked

"Of course, or else why would I date him?" She replied.

"So you don't love me?" How many times Y/n have to say that to him?

"Yes, I love you Jungkook." He wanted to here this was so long. He started imagining them being together and all that. "You are Best friend. Of course I love you more than anything."

Jungkook rolled. She loves him but just as a friend.

"Okay" Jungkook comment without showing any expression on his face.

"Now everything clear, let's go we are late for class." She mentioned knowing that they will be in trouble for being late.

"You go, i'm skipping. " He said still with no expression. She nodded and left for class.


I can't believe that y/n like someone else, not me. How can he not love me? I been with her since our childhood. I protected her. Took care of her. I did everything for her. And when I ignore her for something, I thought she will fall for me. But what she did? She started dating someone else. I have to do something. I can't let a random dude destroy mine and y/n's life. I should do something. He gonna hurt y/n. Everyone gonna hurt y/n. Y/n only needs me. And only me. I'll never hurt her. I'll protect her from this cruel world. I promise to be with you for the rest of my life, for the rest yours.

Y/n p.o.v

It was lunch time. I was packing my bag. I was deep in thoughts that I didn't notice that all the class left. I saw Somi coming to me.

"How can you be a bitch? And steal my man?" She said in a irritating pitch.

"Pardon?" I asked confused. I am not sure what she is pointing to.She pulled my hair.

"Because of you Jungkook oppa broke up with me.

You and your shitty friends brainwashed him" she

keep pulling my hair and slapped me. I fell down.

Why am I being weak infront of her? I tried to stand up.

She looked at me straight in the eyes and warned me,

"I will make your life hell.

"Not before me." I heard a deep voice.

It's Jungkook He look furious. But at whom? Me or her?

"Somi leave for now before do something that

you regret." Jungkook told her.

"Bu--" somi for interrupted by Jungkook yell.

"LEAVE!!" She flinched and left.

After she left Jungkook's eyes soften, when he saw me. He touched my cheeks politely. I hiss because of the pain.

"Does it hurts?" He asked. I nodded slightly. His body tensed up and his eyes were dark again. "I am sorry my dear. It will be first and last time anyone dared to hurt you." He smirked.

(((You guys know what will happen in next chapter... ;)

And no hate for any idol. Since I am not creative in thinking of names so I used Somi's name.

No offense bcoz I stan somi and I love her so much..)))


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