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I went to arcade and they already left from there. It was getting dark.

I got another snap. I opened it and they were on han river. It's y/n favourite place, and she bring Taehyung there. How could she hurt me like that? Another snap which say 'Your Girlfriend is mine today.' Taehyung must be joking around but this joke is not funny at all. It could kill her.

I went there and I saw y/n with Taehyung. They were standing on small bridge. She was laughing with him. Looking like a couple. Negative thoughts filled my mind. If she really loved me she wouldn't go out with a guy like this.

I saw Taehyung give y/n his denim jacket. And to my shock y/n took it and wore it. How can she wear his jacket? Taehyung was wearing it so it has his scent. And y/n will have Taehyung's scent on her body after this. My blood boiled. I parked my car there and went to them.


I had fun with Taehyung, he is funny and cheerful. It would be more fun if Jungkook was here with us.

"Hey, you know somi and han are missing?" Taehyung told me

"Oh seriously?" I was surprised to hear that. It weird for both of them to disappear at the same time.

"Yeah they are, han mother was so worried. She couldn't stop crying I felt bad for her." Taehyung said

"I hope she find him." I said a little worried. Even I broke up with han doesn't mean I am heartless. I become a little sad after that.

Taehyung noticed that am sad after hearing that. So he tried to make me laugh and he succeeded.

Taehyung offered me his jacket since he saw me shivering from cold. I wanted to refuse it but it was cold and I don't want to freeze here.

"Thanks, Taehyung" I give him a small smile.

"No problem." Taehyung said.

I looked at side and saw angry jungkook coming  to our way

"Hey how did you know we are here?" I asked him. He gazed at me. Okay, he is not in mood.

"Go sit in the car." He was eying on Taehyung.

"Why?" I complained.

"NOW" He yelled and I didn't dare to talk back to him.

I went to Jungkook's car, why he scold me like that. I couldn't see Taehyung and Jungkook. He park the car near a huge tree which blocks my view. I sighed and waited for Jungkook. I hope everything is fine.

When y/n left I hold Taehyung's collar and dragged him near the river.

"What happened, Jungkook?" I glanced him angrily because of his stupid question.

"What happened? Huh?You are here trying to hit on my girl and asking for what happened?" I pushed him to river.

Taehyung screamed. Woah he is so loud. When he was about to fall hold his arm. By the way Taehyung can't swim. So if he fall on water he will surely die.

"Can you feel it? You were this near to death. I know Taehyung you always have crush on y/n but if you tried to steal her from me. "I looked at his eyes. "I won't hesitate to kill You."

Taehyung was shook. I patted his shoulder with my

both hands on each sides. "You should be thankful that I'm your best friend.

Last warning." I warned then, went to my car.

"Jungkook, what happened? Why Taehyung screamed? " y/n asked. I ignored here and started the car.

"Tell me what is happening? Why are you looking angry? Where have you bee---" she stopped asking questions when gazed at her with my burning eyes.

I drove the car fast. We reached to a mountain which has really nice view but my mood is not nice at all. I get out of my car an open the door for y/n.

"Explain Now what were you doing with Taehyung" I asked pulling her out of the car harshly. Then pinning her to the car.

"My arm is hurting Jungkook" I left her arm. No matter how angry I am, can't hurt her.

"Explain me now." I said coldly.

"I was just getting bored at my house and then Taehyung came and we went to arcade." She explained.

"Why you didn't picked up your phone and why didn't you informed me ?" I was trying to control myself.

"I did tried to called and text you but it didn't sent." I looked at her.

"You know, you wearing his jacket is not helping?"

She looked down at herself and noticed. She

removed his jacket. "No need to do it now. You already have his scent,

Why you accept it at first place?"

"I was cold."

"WHY YOU DIDN'T BRING YOUR OWN JACKET?" I shouted at her. I was so done with her excuses.

She was looking down. She was silent.

"Answer me?" I screamed at her. And shake her

"I----I tried to text to but it didn't worked. My phone was on silent when you called. I wear Taehyung's jacket because forget my jacket at home." She started crying. She squat down and started sobbing badly.

She is really sensitive and a complete crybaby. She can't control her tears. She was looking like a baby who lost her candy. My heart soften and all my anger melt away.

"Oh god!" I bend down and hugged her. She hugged me back sobbing.

"I'm sorry babe for shouting at you" Her tears are my weakness. It can't win over my anger.

"I'm also sorry." Y/n apologized though sobbing. I wiped her tears and cupped her cheeks.

"But next time don't go out with any of my hyungs without me." She nodded. I smiled at her.

"Okay let's go. I'll will drop you home."

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