"Are you okay," Jesse placed a hand on my armchair.

My eyebrows bunched as I conveyed my confusion through a graceful snort, "huh?" I hoped they didn't notice my ogling.

"Course they did. Your stare was more intense than a thousand suns."

All the more things to add to my list of reasons why I should live the rest of my days in a cave like a hermit.

"You sighed."

"That dreamy sigh," Liam smirked.

James snickered, "the one you always do after your first lick of ice cream."

Well, I'm completely up for licking ice cream off Fynn's chest. Or just licking Fynn's chest in general.

"You're cray-cray."

You feel the same way.

Fynn's lips quirked upwards, but he quickly covered up his amusement with a frown. "Stop harassing her, rude people."

Liam turned to him, "out of all of us, you are the rudest when it comes to talking to Katie."

I hummed in agreement but quickly stopped at the sight of the stare Fynn levelled on Liam and me. "I-I-I mean," I pretended to stutter in fear. Little did he know I was never scared of him. In fact, his antics made him less scary with every passing moment. "I-I y-you-you – you are the rudest of 'em all," I rolled my eyes and sneered.

Fynn's face turned red, but before he could scream and throw a tantrum, James cut into the conversation to diffuse the fire. "Could we talk about important matters first before going all alpha on all of us?"

Growling, Fynn huffed and crossed his arms as he muttered what sounded like curses under his breath.

"Great," James applauded. "Fynn, we need you to explain why we can't reveal Katie's wolf."

"She'll have a greater target on her back," Fynn spoke to the bunny that was hopping in the clearing outside the window. "People will get suspicious and start to conspire."

"Conspire what?"

Jesse sighed. "As Fynn is suffering from short-sentence-itis, I will explain on his behalf. Remember the prophecy I told you about?" I nodded. "Shifters will consider the possibility that you are the first female wolf-shifter soul created. That will lead to hunters trying to track you down."

"Why would they think me? I'm just a late-shifter! Also, what hunters?"

"You're special because your wolf has lain dormant for so long. Because of the announcement, wolf-shifters will be paying close attention to anything abnormal. Your sudden shift would raise suspicion, especially since your shift occurred on the same day as the announcement. Wolf-shifters will be able to detect a strong wolf spirit inside you, even stronger than our wolves."

"In fact," Blaze added, "you and Fynn's wolves have extremely similar power signatures – Fynn's wolf is the most powerful wolf spirit known and has been hunted ever since people discovered the amount of power he possesses. Many dangerous people will want you too if they discover you are equally as powerful."

"Is that why Fynn doesn't like me?" I ask even though he was in the room.

"Nah," Jesse said. "He's moody and grouchy with everyone."

"Other wolf-shifters may even conspire that you and Fynn are the shifters in the prophecy. You guys being in the same pack as each other will only add to the 'evidence'," James moved his fingers to make quotation marks.

"But I'm not part of the prophecy! I'm just a normal, regular human," I said. "Wolf-shifter, I mean."

"Are you though," Fynn quietly said. "The circumstances in which you shifted are unique and unprecedented. The amount of power you possess rivals mine. We're both in the same pack. Would it really be that far-fetched for people to come to that conclusion?"

"Then why would it be bad for shifters to know?" I asked, still not understanding the problem other than my wolf's power.

"Wolf-shifters are easily fired up and very fickle when it comes to power and dominance. Your sudden appearance in the picture challenges everyone's status. They're bound to react. Even now, not everyone has recovered from the introduction of Fynn to the world of shifter politics. He still gets attacked and hunted," Jesse said. "It's good that Fynn has had a decade of experience in defending himself, but you don't. We can and will train you, but that might not be enough to protect you against the target on your back. Instead, we're taking the safety precaution of keeping you in the dark until you're well-trained enough to last in a fight against Fynn. Both in your human and wolf form."

"What happens if the hunters get me?"

"Hunters are hired shifters or humans – they sign a confidentiality agreement with theirlives on the line – who hunt their employer's targets. They can be assassins, kidnappers, or anything else. Specialised to perform the required task. In your case, they'll probably want to kidnap you. Since you're so powerful, why eliminate you from the game of power when they could use you as a pawn? If the bad shifters, or whatever supernatural race, gets their hands – or claws – into you, they will monopolise the game and will be able to manipulate everyone to do their bidding."

"They might even go after you more than they have for me," Fynn gravely said. "You're female, so they may," he cleared his throat, "impregnate you in hopes of creating extremely powerful offspring. Offspring created from you would be more powerful than my offspring because they spend thirteen months in your womb, absorbing more of your power."

My eyes wander off as I absorb the information. Impregnate? Seriously?

The rest of the pack also sit quietly and watch my facial expression, as if I'll suddenly combust in an inferno of heat and flames before destroying everything in my path. From what they have told me, it wouldn't be surprising if my powers could enable me to do so.

"How was I the first to sense Katie when she shifted," asked Jesse.

I massaged my neck as I stared with wide eyes, "you were the one who found me first?"

"Why do you look so surprised?" Jesse chuckled nervously.

Shrugging, "nothing. You just chose to bring it up after an intense discussion about kidnapping and power plays."

"He was the first to sense your peril," Fynn growled darkly. Is it possible for a person to growl? It almost sounds like he's jealous... "because he had the closest bond to you due to all your time spent together."

"Was?" I ask.

"Was," Fynn stated like it was a promise. A promise for what? I didn't know.



I think I deserve a round of applause for writing such a long chapter.

Hopefully, this placates some of your burning questions. If you have any more questions you'd like answered, in-line comment this. I may have missed some things.

QOTC: Favourite (published) book?
I read Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao over the summer. I had it on my to-read list since last Christmas but didn't get around to reading it. I love how there are aspects of Chinese culture and history mixed with the dystopian sci-fi plot about fighting enemies beyond the Great Wall. The book is a story about feminism and rebelling against stereotypes and rules of being female. Highly recommended. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

You do you and things will play out in the end,


Chapter 34: 5November2022

My very own wolf familyWhere stories live. Discover now