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How did Ms. Marison, Harrington and Michael found out Joey and Jhon are the criminals?

Rick and Rachel were literally confused about this.

The day before Joey travelled to San Francisco: flashback

As soon as everyone went to their home. Ms. Marison had texted Michael to come meet her in a nearby cafe after everyone leaves.

"Why did you ask me to come meet you alone? ", asked Michael.

"To discuss about Joey. When Rick had went to meet Joey, I had placed a bug in his duplicate office card and asked him to give it to Joey.",said Marison.

" I have been hearing on what he was talking. He contacted a person named christopher Alberto. When I eavesdropped , I heard them talking about Breckin. Christopher said that he had misled the CBI already and not to worry. Joey replied him saying that he tried being innocent in front of CBI. " , said Ms. Marison.

"Alberto? I heard Rachel saying that she noticed Joey's full name on a shield - Joey Alberto.", said Michael.

" Then christopher Alberto must be his blood relationship. I also heard them talking about meeting eachother at wanderer cafe at 8 am, as you will be following him I want you to know who that person is? ", said Marison.

After this talk Michael left to home but Marison asked Harrington to meet her at same place as soon as Michael left .

"Harry have a seat. I know that you must be in confusion for asking you to come meet me in personal all of a sudden,I want you to get me Joey's details really very quick . I am okay even if  you can do it now.", informed Ms.Marison .

"Sure ,that's not a problem at all. May I know why are you in such a hurry.", asked Harrington.

" Because i have got a clue ,if you get me his information as soon as possible then tomorrow's work will get easy.", said Marison.

Harrington has been working with Marison since 6 years so he understood her and didn't question further . Marison and Harrington went to the office . After working for hours ,they competely gathered all the informations about Joey.It was almost 2 am.

"Thank you Harry for not hesitating when i asked you to do it right away.", Marison wa grateful.

"FINALLY..... our hardwork is sucessful. So Joey is main culprit ,I didn't expect,I truely suspected Mathew .", said Harry.

" Both Joey and Jhon are main culprit .It was totally planned .", said Marison .


"Wait, I don't really get it. What did you and Harry collect about Joey? Who is Christopher and how is he related to Joey? Why was Jhon suspected?", Rachel questioned in confusion.

" Jhon is Joey Alberto's son, His real name is Christopher Alberto. Joey was never a friend of Breckin, right from his childhood Joey used to be jealous of Breckin's talent in painting. That is the reason for Joey to get friendly with Breckin. Joey had a girlfriend who died in an accident after giving birth to Jhon(Christopher Alberto). Breckin had a psychological problem with which Joey played his master plan.Breckin wasn't interested in marriage as he was into a girl that is Joey's girlfriend, Breckin was unaware of  the relationship between Joey and his crush. Joey tricked him, Breckin wanted a  heir and Joey brought Jhon and executed his plan through Jhon." , said Ms. Marison.

Rachel and Rick were in pure shock..

" Then what is that photo album in Mathew's house? Why was James killed? " , asked Rick.

" Joey and Jhon had a clear idea about James route of investigation. They misled James. That photo album was also seen by James, he secretly investigated and found the truth unfortunately before writing this down in his case file, he ended having a heart attack." , said Harry.

"Omg!! This case was really interesting Ms. Marison. I would love to work further in similar cases. ", said Rachel.

" Ha.. Ha.. There is one more good news!! We have another mystry case. Let's start working on it from next week. " , said Ms. Marison.

---The end---

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