CHAPTER 3: DAY 1 - The Beginning

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When Michale and Harrington moved the curtains , there was no one. Michale saw someone wearing black dress ,black mask and escaping through the pathway.

"Look over there, he's running ", Michale shouted.
Michale tried to jump and go behind the strange man to catch him.

" Michale wait!!" ,Said Harrington. "He has left a evidence, it's wate of time to run behind him. Rachel collect the fingerprint on the balcony window, and this man has left his mobile here."

" Fingerprint? ", Asked Michale." I saw him wearing complete black cloth. There is no chance him leaving fingerprint ".

" I think you didn't observe it right!He wasn't wearing gloves in one hand and also look here since it was too cold, his fingerprint is left behind. ", Said Harrington.

" Cool..! " ,Said Rachel.

Day 1 :

"Hey! What are we going to do about last night? " ,Asked Mr. Rick.

" Don't worry. I asked one of my friend to deal with it, he will search who is that stranger. ", answered Mr. Harrington.

In Ms. Marison's office:

" Morning guys! We will be receiving all the case files regarding Breckin's case. ", said Ms. Marison.

" Okay!! " (In chorus) said the four assistants.

"Excuse me? " ,Asked the police man.
"Yes? ", Asked Ms. Marison.
" Here's the case file that you asked for. ", said the police man.
" Thank you. You can leave now sir." , said Ms. Marison.

" As James has already dealt with this case earlier, he would have surely collected some information so I brought them here. Let's first look into Breckin's case file. ", said Ms. Marison.

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Now let's look into Mr

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Now let's look into Mr. James collected points." Said Ms. Marison.

" This is file when Mr

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

" This is file when Mr. James started his investigation." Said Ms. Marison."Mr.james also wrote another file when he started collecting lot more information, but we will go enquire to these suspects before we start to look into the other file. "

"But why shouldn't we see that file now? " Asked Rachel.

"Because, we should start from the bottom... If we look into the other file, you people won't be interested to enquire the first suspects." Answered Ms. Marison. " Today let's start from the family members."

Rachel, Harrington, went to enquire Mathew and his family while Marison, Michael and Rick went to enquire the adopted son Jhon.

In Mathew's house:

"Hello! I am Harrington. ",
"And, I am Rachel. " ,Both Rachel and Harrington shook hands with Mathew.

"Hi! I am Mathew. May I know who are you both. ", gently asked Mathew.

" We are from CBI we are assistants of Ms. Marison who is the sister of Mr. James. " Answered Mr. Harrington.

" Mr. James? ", asked Mathew.

" Yes, I hope you remember Mr. James who investigated Mr. Breckin's case earlier and now we have reopened the case file. ", Said Ms. Rachel.

" Yes I do! But why did you reopen Breckin's case? ", asked Mathew.

( Even we don't understand why?! - murmured Harrington. )

" Sorry? " Asked Mr. Mathew.

"Mm.. No what he meant was, Ms. Marison felt that something is strange in this case however it's unsolved yet!", Smilingly said Ms. Rachel.

" Oh, so now you have come to investigate me? " ,Asked Mr. Mathew.

" Yes. " Said Mr. Harrington. "How well are you connected with your brother? ".

" Until I was a bachelor me and my brother were well connected, we were really very close. After my marriage, when my brother decided to adopt a son instead of marrying someone, my whole family apposed. That is when he left house and we lost our bond. " , said Mr. Mathew.

" Whole family? ", Asked Ms. Rachel.

" Yes. When this happened 25 years ago, we were a joint family unfortunately because of my brother's decision, my mother was mentally disturbed and my father suicided due to that situation of my mother." Said Mr. Mathew.

[Meanwhile, Rachel explored things in Mathew's house. ]

"Oh, then you lost connection 25 years ago the murder of Breckin? Don't even know anything about his life after leaving home?do you?" Asked Mr. Harrington.

"No, I don't know how was his life after he left home, but later when he came on newspapers I got to know that he became very successful. Actually he had a best friend Mr.Joey who was very close even after he left home. " Said Mathew.

"Can I get Joey's address? " Asked Mr. Harrington.

" Sure " Said Mathew while passing the address to Harrington.

"Rachel? " Called Harrington. "Okay , thank you Mathew for your co-operation. " Expressed Mr. Harrington.

"Yes, shall we go? " Asked Rachel.

" Yes" Said Mr. Harrington.

[ Rachel and Harrington left quickly to the car. ]

In car:

"Rachel! Did you find anything mysterious in Mathew's house? "

"Yes!!! " Rachel exclaimed.

To be continued...

Breckin's case fileTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang