CHAPTER 4: DAY 2 The Photo album

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"What was it? " Asked Harrington.

" I don't think Mathew was really truthful because.. Didn't he tell us that he lost connection with his brother 25 years ago? Then how come there was a photo album of him with Jhon?! Isn't that strange? " Rachel exclaimed!

" What?! " (Harrington immediately stopped the car.)

[Silence.... ]

"Jhon is Breckin's son right? " Asked Harrington. " Maybe, after Breckin's death, Jhon and Mathew became close."

" No Harry! There was many pic in which Jhon and Mathew clicked when Jhon was a kid. If it was like what you said then why would there be such pics, moreover why would he even maintain a photo album when Jhon is adopted Nephew. " Said Rachel. " I think we should enquire Jhon."

" That's right. Let's tell this to Ms. Marison however they have went to enquire Jhon. " Said Harrington.

In cafe:

"Hey guys, hope you had a progressive investigation. " Said Mr. Marison.

"Not exactly! We found a photo album at Mathew's house. This was really strange because Mathew had taken pic with Jhon when he was a kid and point to be noted is Mathew said us that he lost connection with Breckin and his family 25 years ago. ", Said Rachel.

" So, what we think is Jhon and Mathew must be knowing each other for a longtime. Then why would Mathew say that he doesn't know anything about Breckin after he moved out? " ,Said Harrington

" Wow, that's really interesting. Even Jhon told us that he doesn't know any blood relation from his father's side." ,Said Rick

"So, there is something that Jhon and Mathew are hiding from us!!! "
(In chorus ) said everyone.

" Did you find anything strange at Jhon's house? " ,Asked Harrington.

" Unfortunately we couldn't visit Jhon as he was in his office. " Said Mr. Marison. " But I feel it will be better to once again visit Jhon at his home, maybe we can get some clear ideas. "

" Then how about we go there without informing him.. Sunday would be better because he would stay at home. ", Said Mr. Micheal.

"That's a good one. ", said Ms. Marison. " Okay guys, it's late already so everyone get back to home. Tomorrow we will see the other file of Mr. James. The next day investigation at Jhon's house."

"Okay bye,let's see tomorrow!" (In chorus) said everyone.

Day 2:

"Hey guys! Morning. " ,Said Ms. Marison. "Shall we look at the other file of James?".

" Ya" (In chorus) said everyone.

"What is this?! " , shouted Michael

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"What is this?! " , shouted Michael. "How can there be no evidence from Mathew's house, Rachel said she found an album. "

"Ya I did, I even captured pic of it. Why is Mr. James lying? " Asked Rachel.

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