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Third Person Pov 

After arguing for a whole night about the name of their child they finally picked a name that they both liked. For a girl they would name her kayla olivia Perez. Then after kevin threw a tantrum about how he wanted his son named after him he finally decided to look for a different name since elijah wasn't cool with it. 

They then decided to name him kayden knox Perez. "Ya know most people would not be dealing with this" Kevin tells elijah as he massages his feet. Elijah had woken up out of his sleep randomly complaining that his feet hurt so kevin tried to help him. "Well your dealing with it so hush" Elijah says. 

This was what kevin was talking about how elijah always woke up at the most random times with a bunch of problems. Kevin's sleeping schedule was all out of wack and elijah;s mood swings could get terrible. But kevin understands that he has to be here for elijah during this time it takes two. 

It also took two to get him pregnant but we not gonna talk about that. Elijah then looked down at kevin sweetly. "I know most wouldn't deal with this but you do that's why i love you" Elijah says honestly making kevin smile. "I love you to but word to my dead you don't ever let me rest" Kevin says making elijah laugh. 

"I'm sorry" Elijah says while still laughing making kevin playfully roll his eyes. "You ain't sorry" kevin says once elijah stops laughing. "You right" Elijah says. 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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