Chapter 66 High School 2

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Chapter 66 If we met in highschool

Sheng Jianan immediately stepped back and looked up at Jiang Chi.

After a while, he said, "What's up with you?"

Jiang Chi raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "What do you think?"

After a moment of silence, Sheng Jianan said, "I didn't think so."

After saying that, keep moving forward.

Jiang Chi looked at his back, followed him in a flash.

The two walked one after another. After walking for a while, Sheng Jianan stopped and looked sideways at Jiang Chi.

Jiang Chi also stopped and looked at him: "What's the matter?"

Sheng Jianan looked at him and didn't say anything.

Jiang Chi understood his eyes and smiled, "Do you want to say, let me not follow you?"

Sheng Jianan frowned very shallowly. He did mean this, but he mainly wanted to ask what Jiang Chi wanted to do. He doesn't seem to have offended him.

"This is where my house is." Jiang Chi put his hands in his pockets and raised his chin forward scatteredly.

Sheng Jianan was silent and didn't say anything when he heard the words, so he continued to move forward. Jiang Chi followed him, keeping a distance of about a meter or two away from him.

The two walked all the way, and it gradually darkened.

In the evening of summer, there was a dark blue in the sky, and the street lights were lit one after another under the dark sky. In the center of the road and on both sides, there were vehicles coming and leaving work and students cycling after class. They were noisy and decorated with a unique and romantic scenery for the night.

When he walked outside the gate of the community, Sheng Jianan paused, then stopped, turned to Jiang Chi, and said politely, "I'm here."

Jiang Chi raised his eyes and looked at the name of the community: "...Oh, you live here."

Sheng Jianan hummed, waved to him politely after a moment: "I'll go first. Bye."

After saying that, he turned around and walked to the community.

Jiang Chi stood still and looked at him until his back disappeared at the corner of the community.

Then he smiled suddenly, and the evening breeze blew through his broken hair in front of his forehead, brushing a faint fragrance of flowers. Jiang Chi couldn't help but think of a sentence that who woke him up in the classroom at noon, as if he said that the transfer students were easy to get along with?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chi couldn't help but say.

Who said he was easy to get along with? It's not easy to get along with at all.


The next morning, as soon as Sheng Jianan stepped on the stairs of the teaching building, he heard a familiar noise from above and the dialogue between the two girls in front of her.

"Is it Jiang Chi and them?" One of the girls asked.

Another girl took a look at the news, then withdrew her head and whispered excitedly, "It seems to be, not to mention that he is really a little handsome."

"...handsome is handsome. I've seen him play basketball." The girl talked, thought of something, and complained in a low voice, "But he likes to play. I feel that if he falls in love, he must be very playful."

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