Chapter 18

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I lean on the Milotic water fountain as I look up at the night sky. Ash and I decide to stay out here for a little longer before we head back inside. We haven't said a word to eachother after the...kiss. It has been really quiet, the only noise that can be heard is the faint music and laughter coming from the mansion.

I am still not over about what just happened. I am still blushing a deep shade of red, and my heart feels like its going to burst through my chest.

"Serena?" Ash says, breaking the silence.


"Please be my girlfriend." He looks into my eyes.

"It's about time you ask that question." I giggle.

He gives me a small smile then looks at the ground.

"Seriously, though. Would you like to? It would make me really happy."

"Of course I will, Ash." I smile as a light shade of pink forms on my cheeks.

"Hehe, great!" He scratches the bottom of his nose. "Oh, by the way. This is my first relationship, so sorry if I am not really good with all of this lovey dovey stuff."

"Don't worry, I am sure you'd make a great boyfriend."

"I hope so..." He says as he looks back up at the sky.

The day I have always wished for has finally come. Ash and I are now dating, and I couldn't be more happier.

We stay outside for 10 more minutes. We later on decide to go back to the mansion, because it was getting cold. I follow Ash as he walks back to the mansion. Once we get inside, we spot our friends not too far away.

"There you are!" We hear Misty's voice once we get inside.

"We were looking all over for you guys." Drew says.

"Yeah, after the dance, you two just disappeared. Where did you guys go?" Iris asks.

"Umm, I just had to give Serena her present, that's all." Ash replies.

"And you had to bring her somewhere else to do that? You know you could've done it in front of us, we wouldn't mind. And I wanted to see the present too..." Dawn pouts.

"The present is right here." I say as I point to the necklace Ash gave me.

"'s so pretty!" She squeals.

"Where did you get the money for that, Ashy-boy?" Gary asks as he examines the necklace.

"Eheh...doesn't matter." Ash replies while scratching his head.

"Anyways, now that everyone is here, I say we go have some dessert! I walked past the food table earlier and spotted strawberry cake, chocolate cake, ice cream, and more sweets than I can ever imagine!" Clemont drools.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." May says and starts walking back to our table, followed by the rest of the group.

Ash starts to make his way to the table as well. I grab his wrist, stopping him.

"Huh? What's up?" He turns around.

"Should we tell them"

"Umm...maybe we should wait till' Monday." He replies.

"Alright then."

A few hours later, the party finally ends. Everyone has already made their way home, and is now almost completely empty. The only person who has not left yet is Ash.

Right now, we are standing near the doors exiting the mansion. I am carrying Fennekin in my arms as I gently pet her head while Pancham sits on my shoulder, fiddling around with my hair. Ash is leaning against the wall beside me, staring into space while Pikachu eats a bottle of ketchup.

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