Chapter 26

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With Gary and the others...

"They're gone!"

"What do we do???" Misty says. "They could be in trouble!"

"Okay, forget about the race! We need to go back and inform the Proffesor!" Calem runs off.

"Right!" May replies and follows Calem back to camp, followed by everyone else.

They get back to camp within 20 minutes. They storm into the building, and go directly to Proffesor Syacmore.

"Proffesor!" May calls out.

"Hm?" He looks at them. "What are you doing here? The finish line is at the end of the forest, not here."

"Forget about that!" Gary slams his fist on the table. "Our friends are in trouble!"

"Trouble? Who?"

"Ash...Serena...Clemont...and Bonnie!" Kenny replies.

"What has happened to them?" Sycamore gets up from his desk.

"Team Rocket happened." Calem grits his teeth at the thought of them.

"Team Rocket?" Syacmore repeats.

"They took their pokemon...then there was and explosion...and they just disappeared into the forest..." Dawn says, worried about her best friend.

"Who knows where they ended up at! They could be hurt!" Barry says.

"No...this is bad." Sycamore takes a cylinder shaped object from his desk drawer.

"What are you doing?" Kenny questions as he watches him.

"With Team Rocket possibly still out there, the other campers are at risk as well. I'm going to fire the emergency signal to stop the race." Sycamore makes his way outside.

Everyone follows him outside, and watches Sycamore fire the signal. The signal fires into the air, and explodes like a firework. A loud noise comes from the signal, loud enough for all the campers to hear.

"Okay, the campers should be making their ways back here now." Sycamore says.

"What about our friends?" Dawn turns to him.

"We are going to send out search teams to look for them." He replies.

"We want to help!" May says.

"Yeah! We were there and couldn't do anything...the least we can do is help look for them!" Calem says.

"I don't gets too dangerous deep in the forest. And team rocket can still be out there." Syamore says.

"Please! They need us!" Dawn says.

"Well...I can't interfere with the bonds of friendship. Very well." He sighs. "But you are to go out in groups, and be back by the time it gets dark."

"Thank you." Gary says and runs off to the east side of the forest with Calem, Drew and Paul.

"Then we will go west!" Misty's team runs the oppisite direction of Gary and the others.

"We'll go north!" May runs off with Iris and Max.

And with that, many search teams were sent out to search for the missing campers.

* * * * *

Serena's P.O.V.

I slowly open my eyes. At first, my vision is blurry. But soon, everything becomes clear. The sky is the first thing I see when I wake up.

I sit up, feeling a little dizzy, and look around me. No one is here, but me. I am still in the forest, but I don't recognize what part of the forest I am at. All I know is that I haven't been here before.

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