Chapter 6

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I get up from my bed and head to my drawers. I search through them. I see a blue handkerchief in the back corner. I reach back and pull it out.

"This is Ash's handkerchief." I say to myself as I look at it in my hands.

I move my hands and place the handkerchief on my heart.

"My knight in shining armour was right beside me this entire time." I say quietly as I look at myself in my mirror.

I grab my backpack and open it up. I tuck the handkerchief inside. I also take out Fennekin and Pancham's pokeballs. I toss them into the air.

"Hey guys. You can stay out for the night." I smile.



The two pokemon jump up at me, and knock me down onto my bed. They start cuddling me. I hold the two in my arms as I giggle.

I was interrupted by my phone. I get up and look. Looks like someone texted. It was Dawn. I unlock my phone and read what she sent.

"Serena! What are your plans for tommorow?"

I think for a while, and remember that it's Saturday tommorow. I totally forgot.

I begin typing.

"Idk. I'll probably stay home." I reply.

2 minutes later, Dawn replies back.

"We should like, hang. I heard the weather is good tommorow. I say we go to the beach."

The beach does sound fun. I never been there in a while.

"That's actually a great idea. We can invite Misty, May and Iris." I reply.

Dawn replies in less than a minute.

"Yay! We can invite Gary and the rest of the guys too!"

"Sounds fun. Alright." I reply.

I jump back onto my bed.

"We are going to the beach tommorow." I say to my pokemon.

"Fenn fennekin!"


Fennekin and Pancham both start jumping with joy. Later on, I quickly eat my dinner. I spend time with my mom for a while, then I head back to my room. I open up my phone, and Dawn just sent me another message.

"I called everyone, and they are all coming. I don't have Ash's number, though. Can u tell him? Btw, we meet up at the beach at 11am tommorow."

"Alright, I'll call him." I reply.

I dial Ash's number, and wait for him to pick up.


"Hey Ash. It's Serena."

"Oh, hi! I was just about to text you. So why'd you call?"

"Dawn just invited everyone to come to the beach at 11 tommorow. I was wondering if you'd like to come?"

"Oh...Serena I'd love to. It's just that Miette already invited me to hang with her."


"I'm sorry."

"N-no it's fine! There's always next time, right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Alright. See you on Monday then."

"Okay, bye."

I hang up the phone and sigh. So he is going with Miette. I don't know why, but I feel jealous. I feel kinda upset that he's hanging with her. It's not like I like him or I? I shake my head away from my thoughts. Enough of Ash.

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