Chapter 14

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I hear my phone ring. I reach to my nightstand and pick it up.


"Serena!!! I got your text! Where are you guys going? How did he ask you?? Tell me!!!" Dawn happily shouts through the phone.

Oh right. I sent Dawn, Misty, May and Iris a text about Ash and I about five minutes ago. Looks like she was the first one to read it.

"Woah, calm down Dawn." I giggle.

"Sorry. I just can't believe the guy you like actually asked you out."

"I can't believe it either to be honest. He took my by surprise."

"It's so adorable! You are going out with your childhood friend, or even better, soon to be childhood lover! Eeeekk!!!" Dawn squeals.

"Dawn..." I start blushing.

"Okay, sorry. Hehe. So where are you guys going?"

"A carnival."

"A carnival? So not a fancy restaurant or anything?"


"Aw man. I wanted to help you pick out the most cutest dress if it were to be a restaurant." Dawn sighs.

"Well, there's always next time." I reply.

I hear a knock on my door.

"Give me a second, Dawn." I say as I place my phone on my bed and get up.

I open my door to find my mom.


"Sorry to bother you, but there is someone at the door looking for you."

"Really? Who?"

"He says his name is Calem." She replies.

That's surprising. Calem is here. He has never visited me before, and I can't think of any reason why he'd be here.

"Okay. I'll be down." I give a small smile and close my door.

"Dawn, I gotta go." I sigh as I pick up my phone.

"Oh, no problem. See you monday."


I slip my phone into my back pocket and head downstairs. As I approach the last step, I see Calem waiting for me outside the door.

"Hey." I say as I walk over to him.

"Uh h-hi." He looks down.

"What brings you here?" I ask.

"Well...I have nothing to do tommorow. I have talked to all my friends already, but they are not available. So do you want to like, hang or something tommorow? We don't talk too often at school like we used to, so I figured we can use that time to get to know eachother better."

Calem wants to hang tommorow. I am already going out with Ash, and nothing's going to change that.

"Calem, I'm busy tommorow."

"O-oh...what are you doing?"

"Just going out, that's all."

"I see." He sighs.

"I'm really sorry."

"It's fine." He replies.

"Maybe next time." I give a small smile.

"Yeah, I guess."

I look at him. I seemed to have put his mood down a little. He looks upset.

"Well, there is no reason for me to be here anymore. Bye." He says as he quickly turns around and walks away.

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