Chapter 9

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Serena's P.O.V.

"Serena!" My mom calls. "Dinner is ready!"

"Coming!" I say.

I shut off the TV and head to the dining room. Before I eat, I make food for Fennekin and Pancham.

"Did you finish all your homework, sweetie?" My mom asks me.

"Yup." I reply.

"That's good." My mom smiles at me.

30 minutes pass, and I make my way up to my room. Another 4 hours later, I pick up my phone. I see that I have a few missed calls from Dawn. I decide to call her.

"Hello?" Dawn picks up.

"You called?"

"Yeah, Serena. Only like, 10 times."

"Sorry, my phone was on silent. So what's wrong?"

"Put your ringtone on next time. Anyways, umm, it's about Calem."

"Calem?" I say confused.


"You mean the Calem who has had a crush on me for like, forever?"

"Yes, what other Calem would I be talking about?" Dawn replies.

"What about him?"

"So I hung out with Iris today, and we saw Calem and his group of friends. We caught them talking about something that caught our attention."

"Wait, so you guys eavesdropped?" I say.

"It's not our fault, they were talking pretty loud, loud enough for us to hear. So of course we had to listen."

"Okay, so what did you hear?"

"Calem said he's planning on asking you out tommorow."

"WAIT, WHAT?!" I yell.

"I know, I was pretty suprised when I heard it too." Dawn replies.

"We barely talk, I don't understand why he'd ask me."

"Well, are you gonna say yes?"

"Dawn, are you crazy?! Of course not. I already like Ash." I say slighty blushing.

"Okay, I knew you were gonna say that. Anyways, I gotta go. See you tommorow."

"Kay, bye." I sigh.

I put down my phone. I don't know what to do. How should I deny him? I don't want to hurt him or anything. I decide to worry about that tommorow and head to bed.

The next day...

"Serena!" I hear a voice.

I turn around to see Ash.

"Oh, hey." I smile.

Right now, I am standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus for school.

Ash had a big smile on his face. I wonder why.

"You look like you're in a good mood today." I say.

"I guess so." He smiles again and looks at me.

I hear more footsteps. I see Gary, May and Clemont approaching us.

Clemont walks up and stands beside me.

"Good m-morn...achoo!!!" Clemont sneezes.

"Woah, Clemont. Don't sneeze on me." I giggle.

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