It seemed to be a large...fluffy boat. She's never seen anything quite like it before. She sat up straighter to peer on top of it. As they passed on the left of it, Naia noticed that there were people. It appeared to be a large animal, with a kid sitting on top of its head. He was dressed in odd orange clothing, something Naia rarely saw in the North Pole. On top of the animal's body was a saddle. There was a girl with what appeared to be water tribe clothing and a long braid. Next to her, was a boy in water tribe clothing as well. Naia frowned. She's met every single person in the tribe, but those two looked unfamiliar.

It was then she made eye contact with the boy. Naia instantly thought he was attractive, with his dark hair in a ponytail and piercing blue eyes. The split second that they stared into each other eyes seemed like it lasted an eternity. She broke eye contact, a deep blush creeping up her cheeks. Naia turned her head to face her sister, but she seemed to not even notice the strange floating creature in the canal.  She decided against asking Yue about it, as she would probably see him at their birthday celebration later that night.

Naia later found out that the large animal was a sky bison, an animal she had never heard of. It fascinated her endlessly. She was told by her father that the avatar and his two friends from the Southern Water Tribe were visiting, and it would be announced at their birthday celebration. Yue seemed a bit more aloof about the avatar and his friends being in the city, but Naia couldn't wait to get a chance to speak with them.

Naia wanted to tell Yue about the guy she saw, but she was slightly embarrassed. She's told Yue almost everything, but she never really talked about boys she's taken an interest in with her. If anything came to fruition, then she would tell Yue about it.

The twins spent the rest of the afternoon getting themselves ready. Naia always loved spending time with Yue and getting dolled up. They would chat about meaningless things while putting on makeup or getting their hair done. It took nearly an hour for one of the servants to do Naia's hair. Yue had her hair in its regular style, but Naia desired to try something different. The servant styled Naia's hair in a half up half down style, with intricate braids pinning the front pieces of her hair to the back of her head. Small tendrils framed her face. It was quite different than her usual braid.

"You look beautiful," Yue complimented. "I've always liked your hair down."

Naia smiled. She was feeling slightly unsure of her new look, but Yue knew exactly how to reassure her. "Oh, can I give you my present now before the ceremony starts?"

Yue nodded. Naia quickly ran over to her room and retrieved it. She rushed back to Yue's bedroom and handed her a large canvas. On it, was a beautiful painting of the glowing moon and stars casting it's reflection over a serene sea. The odd thing about the painting was that Naia did not use anywhere in the Northern Water Tribe as inspiration. The image she painted was one she saw in a dream, and remembered very clearly. She did not know where this location was, but she knew deep in her heart that it was special to her. Naia knew that Yue and her got almost everything they asked for, so Naia wanted to have her present to Yue be sentimental.

Yue's hand flew to her mouth in shock. "Naia? Did you paint this?" She asked.

Naia nodded, unsure of how Yue liked it. It was certainly...different than most of the other presents Yue received. Mostly, she received things like clothes or earrings. "Do you like it?"

Yue smiled. "I-I love it. It's beautiful and so realistic. When did you learn to paint so well?"

Naia shrugged. "I knew I wanted to make you something for our sixteenth birthday, so I took lessons in the beginning of the year."

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