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She is laying on my bed, shoes, socks, coat, and pants off. I am sitting at her feet while she is on a work call. We were kissing, clothes flying and she got a call she could not ignore and she is running her fingers along my leg.

"Call me tomorrow, Dima." she places the phone on my bedside table "You okay?"

"I'm good." she holds out her hands and I crawl into her embrace, her hand lays on my ass as she caresses it. A kiss on my forehead before she relaxes her body under me.

"Ri?" she hums her response "What are we doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"I get that we are going out but what happens when you have to go back home?"

"That is up to you, Bi." placing my hands on her chest, I lift my body from hers

"What do you mean?" placing our weight on her elbows, she sits up

"When I go home, I will be there for a while and if you want this to end, I will respect your wishes, as I always do but if you want this to continue, it's either long-distance or you and Neo move to the cold."

"Ri, that's a lot and that is a hard decision to make."

"It is in your hands and you do not have to make the decision now, you have time, don't think about it, okay?" a nod is all I can give, she wraps her finger under my chin and pulls me towards her face. "I love you, okay?"

"Okay." our lips collide and the love she feels for me is emitted from her lips onto my tongue. If I am being honest, how can I let her go again?

When I woke up, she is not there and not in the bathroom either.

"I like your hair, can I touch it?" that sounds like Neo

"It is nothing special unlike your pretty hair but you can touch it."


"Let's not make a noise or we will wake your mom up."

"It's soft and smells nice."

"Thank you, now, do these look great?"


"You hate them?"

"No," she drags it out

"What are you two up to?" I ask as I stand at the threshold of my kitchen

"Aunty Amari is making me scrambled eggs and toast." she has already bathed and her hair looks nice

"Who did your hair?" she points to Amari "Do like it?" she nods as she drinks some orange juice, I plant a kiss on her forehead before going to where Amari is frying eggs

"Good morning."

"Morning, I did not hear my alarm go off, thank you for getting her ready."

"Of course." she plants a kiss on my forehead before going to plate Neo's food. "Is it better this time?"

"Yes, thank you." she even cut the sides of her toast, she is making sure I am falling head over heels for her.

"Okay, so I am going to shower, Nana, you can watch TV until I am done." she nods and Ri and I head upstairs, once, inside my room, I close the door and she pulls me towards her, joining our lips, her hands on my hips, moving us into the bathroom.

She lifts her shirt, while I unbutton mine, we part so she can lift the shirt over her head before we join again, taking our pants off before she lets me turn the shower on.

"Your ass looks great," she says while sitting on the toilet seat, why does this feel normal when she is leaving in a few days? "Like I want to slap it."

"Go ahead." expecting a slap, I am shocked when instead, she places a kiss on my cheek.

"Turn around for me." turning to face her, she lifts me, I wrap my arms around her neck as well as my legs around her waist "You look beautiful." if I was her complexion, I would be completely maroon.

"Stop making me blush and we need to hurry up."

"You will make it on time, trust me." why do I always trust her because she says so? I get off her waist and stand in front of her as her hands lay on my waist.

Water runs on her skin as she lathers with her loofah, she looks so cute, almost childlike and innocent. I guess the monsters of the world are loved by someone.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"With hearts in your eyes and pain in your heart, what's up?"

"Well, you look beautiful and I was admiring that."


"I don't want you to leave."

"I thought we were postponing that conversation?"

"We are, that's why I did not want to say anything." I confess pulling my eyes from her face to our toes "Let's forget I said anything."

"Let's talk about it over lunch. You have to drop Neo at school."

"Okay. You look beautiful."

"I try my best to look as good as you." Why is she like this?

I dropped Neo off at school before heading back to my house, she is having her butler drop off a few things and clothes. She suggested we stay inside and with the weather looking gloomy grey, I agree.

"So I make the sandwiches but you have to fetch the boards while I bring the hot cocoa."

"Okay." she gets up from the floor, we are having an indoor picnic, my idea, she is just going along with it.

"You are not going to avoid the conversation by focusing on the TV."

"I am not avoiding the conversation."

"Okay then. What do you want?"

A deep breath, release "You."

"So how are we working that out?"

"I don't know but I also know that I don't want to uproot Neo from the only home she has ever known."

"Okay, so what's your solution?"

"I don't know your work schedule."

"I think I can give you two weeks of my time for every month I spend that side, is that okay?"

"I think we can work with that."

"Okay, well come here then." a giggle escapes my mouth as I crawl onto her lap, straddling her legs with her hands on my hips, cupping her face, I initiate a kiss and she participates, placing her hands inside my shirt, sucking on my lower lip as she squeezes my nipples with her fingers.

"Amari," I moan into the kiss as she lets go of my nipple and her hand travels into my pants, pressing and rubbing on my clit before placing her fingers inside my vagina.

"Look at me, Bi." her voice stern, leaving no room for defiance, as I peer into her eyes she increases her intensity, and I feel a wave of pleasure as she presses her thumb on my clit

"Ri, fuck," I whimper, at her mercy once again. Removing her hand from my breast, I feel her fingers wrap around my neck while the other hand keeps charging my vagina.

"You are such a good girl," she says before joining our lips while pressing the sides of my neck slightly.

I try to pull away but she doesn't let me and I cum on her hand, she smirks as she pulls away, pulling her hand from my pants and putting them in her mouth.

Why is she so sexy?

Hey guys

I feel like this is gonna be 70-80 chapters so we still in for a long ride😭😭

Thank you guys for 3.5K reads, warms my cold heart😌❤️

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