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After waking up while everyone is asleep, I make myself a cup of coffee and go sit on the veranda. The morning sun is harsh but warming.
I twiddle with my phone as mothers start sending their daughters out to clean their front yards.

Last night I had a dream that I slept with Ri, she looked so beautiful and she held me so tight afterwards, it is weird, we had one kiss and it will never happen again, I do not understand why my head is doing this to me.

"Good Morning." Mrs Jones's sister comes out and sits beside me

"Good Morning, did you sleep well?"

"I slept well knowing that my sister is in the other room, I worry a lot about her. How did you sleep, child?"

"I can not complain, is there anything you need help with?"

"Just enjoy yourself, you are a guest here." I nod and we continue to chat. It is rather intriguing speaking to people older than yourself, they always know so much more than you.

After some time we head inside and I get the water ready so I can bathe. I was quite happy that there was a shower in the house. I picked out a yellow dress for today, I do not know what I am going to be doing it feels good not being in control over every minute of my day.

"Abiya, come here, my child." I head to Mrs Jones's Mom. "I want you to go buy me Airtime at the shop and coke, eggs, cheese and bread. I nod and ask the little girl to take me to the shop.

"How do you say your name?"

"Aa-bee-yah, Abiya. What's your name?"

"Lerato, why is it the first time I hear that name?"

"My dad named me after a teacher of his." She nods and starts telling me about how her friends left her out of the game yesterday because she had to wash her socks. She is hurt by the whole ordeal so I agree to buy her ice cream plus it is hot, we deserve it.

On the way back she asks a million and one questions but I answer everyone to my best abilities, always had a soft spot for kids. When we get inside the house everyone is already awake and Mrs Jones' older sister Joyce is ready to cook breakfast for everyone

I sit next to Lerato as she tells me all about how in school she is the fastest in her grade and how one day she is going to the Olympics.

I get a text from Kash

Hope you are having fun, my day sucks, hangover is a bitch.

I text him back before I am asked to open in prayer for breakfast.

The next few days fly by like a breeze on a hot day, Mrs Jones's family have been the most welcoming people I have ever encountered. Her nieces and I did each other's hair, we got ready together on Christmas and even did our nails together.

I am hoping to see them soon, in my eyes, I think of us as friends so I am hoping to see them soon.

Mrs Jones's health is deteriorating, I heard her sister and brother talking about it, I did not mean to eavesdrop but they were not being quiet about it.

She has end-stage heart failure with seven months to live, she has tried to be secretive about it, and I wonder if she is in denial about it.

"Thato, bring me the chair." She calls from her room, I walk over to the kitchen to get juice.

"Abiya, please go give this to Lerato." That is Mrs Jones's name, Lerato Lisa Jones. I take the chair into her room.

"Are you ready to leave?" I nod and she continues packing. She pulls the suitcase from the top of the closet and throws it on the bed.

Going to her niece's room, I notice Mam Joyce and Buti Thato whispering outside. None of my business.

"Mpho, let's go to the shop, I want to buy sweets for when I am in the car." Rolling her eyes while putting her shoes on.

"You are lucky, I like you." We walk out of the house and head to the shop. "Tell me when you get to Norfolk, what are you going to be doing?"

"Try getting a job or something, need something to do so I don't go crazy."

"Would you like a roommate?"

"Are you trying to ask if you could live with me?"

"I still need to register at UNF but once I have, I am going to need a place to stay."

"You can definitely stay with me. Just tell me when you are coming so I can prepare the room for you, I'm planning on getting a dog, are you allergic?"


"Then you can come and stay with me." She screeches and squeals.

The Don's Saving Grace (GxG)✔️Where stories live. Discover now