Chapter 9: Past lifes during the omnic crisis (Lemon)

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Sam: No! That one gose here, this one gose here!

Blaze: Well excuse me! This is my first time fixing a tank.

Sam: Then why did you want to help me?

Blaze: I didn't. I was just walking by when you call me for help fixing this tank and before I can reply you yell at me to get here now!

Sam: I did?......Huh shit.

Y/n: So what's happening with you two?

They turn to see Y/n as Sam leaps off the tank and tells him while Blaze dose the work.

Sam: Just fixing up the tank, nothing much important. What about you?

Y/n: Nothing much. Just talked to Tech and he told me his past during the Omnic Crisis.

Sam: Huh that's cool.

Y/n: Yeah, say where were you during the Omnic Crisis?

Sam: Oh I was apart of a special ops team that get behind enemy lines and destroy their cannons and their vehicles. It was a badass job to say the least. After the omnic crisis I was asigned to join Overwatch and worked along side Axio and still am right now.

Blaze: You wanna hear mine? I was apart of a scout team that scout out and report any enemy forces to our command. We gain some help with Overwatch and after the Omnic Crisis I join Overwatch as their scout.

Y/n: (smirk) Sounds like cool back stories. Say was Ash apart of this black ops team of Overwatch?

Blaze: You mean Blackwatch? Yep but before they he was a young man who lost his parents by the omnics during the omnic forces. He join the army to get revenge but after the omnic crisis was over he lost his chance to get revenge but that's when Gabriel allows him to join his Blackwatch team. He was like his second in command to Gabriel until.....well.

Y/n: When Overwatch Swiss HQ was destroyed right?

Blaze: Yep that's right.

Sam: After that Sam felt different and was a bit dark to Talon forces for some reason.

Y/n: Yeah I remember he killed all Talon soldiers within seconds when we were rescuing Winston and he even faced off against Reaper very aggressively.

Sam: Well some people believed that Reaper has something to do with Gabriel's death and wants to seek revenge.

Y/n: So any clues who Reaper maybe?

Sam: No idea. Some say he's a evil entity accidentally been released, othee say he's the real Reaper. Either way he's one tough son of a bitch.

Y/n: Yeah and emo as well. I know many teenagers lioe to dress up all black and thinm life sucks but Reaper maybe the number one emo guy I have ever seen.

Sam: He's not emo.

Y/n: (smirk) To me he is.

Sam: Right. Well anyway Reaper is the leader of a team of Talon specials ops soldiers and they go out and doing more deadly task sent by high ranking leaders.

Y/n: You know who they are?

Sam: We do. Their sniper is Widomaker, she's one of the most deadly sniper to ever lived.

Y/n: Yeah I kinda faced her and she was skills.

Sam: Indeed. Next is Sombra, she's a hacker that can hack through everything and control machinery within ease. That's why this ship is anti hacker proof so not even Sombra can't try to hack the ship or our tech.

Y/n: Let's hope so.

Sam: Next is Doomfist, he wield a massive metal arm with a huge fist that he can punch through a wall or omnic heavily forces.

Overwatch X male reader: A fugitive solder but a hero in heartWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu