Chapter 26

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His smirking face made her want to slap it off his face but she knew it would only put her in trouble. She controlled herself turned around and walked towards his car. Their drive back to the mansion was quiet, Rhythm tried hard to shut her mind off.

She couldn't bare those things that happened back there rushing back to her, she wanted to forget it and pretend like that never happened like he never tried to kill someone to make her fear him and obey every stupid thing that comes from his mouth.


There is always more to lose, Sweetheart

Humza's words kept running through her mind, she knew he was talking about her family. It made her worry, she wanted to see them and know if there were okay. She was having breakfast with Humza, glancing over at him, she had a plan in her mind.

She waited patiently until he left, and once he did. She rushed to her room and texted Osman.

She waited the whole day for his reply. She was sitting on the couch reading a magazine when her phone rang. It was a message from him.

Osman: Are you ok?

Me: Hey! Yes, but I wanted to talk to you.

Osman: Call?

Me: No, in person. Think you can get away from the house without mom and dad knowing?

Osman: ?? Why can't they know?

Me: Please, it's important.

She waited anxiously as the conversation dots appeared and disappeared three times before his reply appeared.

Osman: Where? when?

Me: Tonight, I was thinking of that diner we used to go to.

Osman: See you there.

Me: 💗

Humza had told her not to go out, but this was too important. She finally had a chance to talk to her brother and couldn't waste the opportunity. Plus, she was worried ever since Humza warned her, she had to find out whether they are okay.

While waiting for him to arrive, she had decided it would be a perfect place to meet up, should she get the chance. Grandpa used to take Osman and Rhythm there to get milkshakes when they were little. They would all three share, alternating turns to pick a flavour.

When Osman spotted her, his answering smile didn't reach his eyes. Rhythm quickly hugged him as soon as he walked up to her and he hugged her back.

"What's this all about, Rhythm? Are you alright?" he asked as he slid across from her.

"I'm fine but I needed to talk to you without mom or dad listening in,"

"Yeah, but for good reason. They worry about you." He glanced around the half-empty diner,

"What's the matter? Why are we here? Why can't we meet at our house?" He asked, confused and worried.

"We're adults, Osman. We should be able to have a private conversation." Frustration washed over her.

He caught her eyes, the corner of his mouth snagging upward. "So now you're willing to admit that you are an adult? Well, I thought you never saw yourself as one,"

"Oh please, I'm still your baby sister, Osman,"

"Yeah," He laughed and added, "I'd say you've grown up a lot in the past year."

she smiled, and when the server came to take their order, she told her a milkshake and let him choose the flavour. "For old times' sake."

"So what's worrying you?" Osman asked,

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