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A week later....

I hate attending theraphy because i have to explain myself to someone i dont even know about my personal issues. Maybe sometimes what i dont want is to explain myself but to have the love of my life next to me.
Miss ndlovu : morning sir.
She smiled when she saw me and i sat down.
Guess what.! Today i'll  be talking about my past two weeks. Well first its been hell. Family things and stupid business trips. I was out of the country and i hate that. Even if i dont have her now in my hands or wake up next to her still i feel incomplete. By the day i start seeing her officially I'll dance for my dead people. I would know that they never turned their backs at me. I so wish to come back everyday from work and meet her at my house. I always imagen her waking up next to me and dream of her beautiful face but then..
Its just a dream that am chasing. Am so close to hold Bianca in my hands.
Miss ndlovu  : did you take your pills before you came here.?
I watched her drop a sweat and i chuckled..


I spent this two days away from the world with my wife. I decided to buy a new house before she came out of the hospital.  I always wanted to be around nature.  Before we moved into this place i demanded her to be cleansed so that i can take her away from the world.  I managed to make her smile yesterday and right now am waiting for her to wake up so that we can have the breakfast i secretly planned. Its good to live in the woods cause i cant be bothered by any soul. Yes i have to go back but now i placed everything on pause. Mother moved out to the other house that father had. Yes its in the palace but atleast i wont be seeing her face.
I moved my face to hers and i nearly jumped when i saw her looking at me and seating quietly on the bed.
Nosipho : sorry.  Didn't mean to scare you.
Lethu : well.. i was thinking...
Nosipho  : you always have been thinking ever since i came back from the hospital.
True.! But i wouldnt want to tell her the whole truth right.?
Nosipho : lethu.?
Lethu :  babe please. Just that am more worried about you. Ever since you tried to...to kill yourself i cant and dont want  to leave your sight. Am scared.
Nosipho : i wasnt thinking straight cause...in one year i lost more than a lot that a person can think of losing.
Lethu : remember what the doctors told us.
Nosipho : yeah yeah..thats another reason to keep me alive but..i hate to wait for it.
I giggled.
Lethu : you want it so bad. Huh.??
She nod with a smile.
Lethu : we are on traditional herbs remember that one too. No sex..
Nosipho : anyway its fine. Am just happy that the womb results at first were not mine and also happy that i am soon going to make you a papa bear.
Lethu  : as long as you are happy my love.

I carrird her in my arms and she started to talk as always and we went to our kitchen.


I regret it , tell me about it. Give me the worst mother in-law i'll wait.  The only son that i birthed hate me with his all and hates that i am alive.  He doesnt even want to see me close to him..not to talk of closer.
Bianca  : mother..it will be fine. We didnt know that she was pregnant.
Queen : the same way she didnt know what the future held for her.i now realise that i controlled her fate in such a way i invited hate into my own  housesold.
Bianca : but she is alive and she  will be able to forgive us.
Queen : am a bad mother..
As i cried my room door opened then i saw my precious daughter dolly. Its amazing to know that she has her father's heart.
Dolly : mother..i brought you your jewelry box.
Like that she left.


I prayed for love all my life and i found it in an amusing way.  I smile thinking about her. I picked my phone up on the table and dialled her number.

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