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I woke up in a heavy mess. I looked around my room and found girls everywhere. Last night was sure a blast. I streched my arms and walked to the bathroom..i looked myself on the mirrow and admired my face like always. I could hear my phone ringing and i quickly went to my room to get it. It buzzed off and started ringing again. I had to push one girl just to get it..dad.!!
Lethu : " hello..morning baba."
King : " where the hell are you.?"
Lethu : " i..am in my house."
One girl raised her head and looked at me smiling. I winked at her.
King : " and what about the meeting.!!"
I removed my phone on my ear and put it back before he block my ears.
King : " will you ever be matured lethu..! Get ready now and come to the palace.!!"
Lethu : " ngi..."
King : " now.!"
That being said he disconnected the call.


As i quickly rush in the palace i met mom on the way and he pulled me by my ear.
Lethu : " maa!! Ouch.."
Queen : " ohh stop it lethu you are not a baby anymore, why do you love to trouble me and your father like this.?"
Lethu : " what did i do now.?"
Queen : " he is pissed and you will find him in his study."
Lethu : " but i forgot about the meeting. "
She walked out without saying anything that could help me.

I walked to his study room and closed the door behind me.
Lethu : " my king."
I bowed my head and raise to meet his disguised hard face.
King : " try me and i'll kill you lethu. How could you forgot something so important like this."
Lethu : " i.."
King : " thula.!! You grew up spoiled and i blaim my ass for it.! Ain't you tired to disappoint us like this in public. What kind of a prince are you.?"
Lethu : " i'll make it up to you father i promise."
King : " no dont.! Dont promise what you cant do. Man up and take responsibility for yourself. You should be ashamed to have a manhood you idiot."
I hold my laugh and smile. I cant beleive he just said that.


Today i smiled at the thought of waking up alone in the house. I guess mom went to work..maybe the man in this house went to club somewhere else.
I walked out of the door to the kitchen and prepared myself food before anyone could barge on me. I sat down and started to have justice on the food in the plate. I stand up to make juice and when i turned i saw him on the door looking at me with a beer on his hand.
It's me and him alone in the house , again.
Nosipho : " good morning tata."
I bit my lip to hold back the tears. He walked pass me and i breathed out in relief . Same time tears fell when i looked at the way he went.
God when will this end.

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