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Tears stream down my cheeks as i let my step father to pound on me again tonight.  This is not the first nor the second. I always told my mom about it but she does nothing about it. Anyway what can she say to him..she loves him more than me her own child. The one she gave birth to. He fell to the pther side of the bed and i wiped my tears. I got off the bed quickly then wore my clothes.
Menzi : " come back soon.!"
He screamed before i slammed the door and went out of the house. Taking a walk after this kinda trauma helps me to think less in a short time.
I reached the forest and went deep in it to the most welcoming place to be. I sat under the tree and listened to the wind blowing on my ears. I started humming a peaceful song and immediately tears made their way once again.
Once upon a time i was a virgin. A good loving girl. A happy soul and free, suddenly the world came crumbling and fell on its knees. God forgot about me and now am left with endless wishes. I tried suicide many times and if i were to be paid i was going to be rich.
I felt a warm soft and smooth movement on my left shoulder . I gasp when i see a brown snake on my shoulder.  It raised it's head facing mine...
I just closed my eyes and started to pray god for it to swallow the whole of me. I want it to  kill me right away..i cant go back into that house cause i know whats next. What more than offering my body to him. I have nowhere to go. Am just 18.
When i opened my eyes they met a muscular giant holding the snake into his hands. I felt shattered and i just lost it.
Lethu : " what are you doing inthis dangerous forest..??"
He sounded yelling but i wasnt there. I was looking at the snake dancing on his hands. He call this place dangerous yet he is holding one of the deadly animal. Dont he know i prayed for this day to come.?? Where i will meet my end.
I stood up without looking at his face and left. I kept on wiping my tears non-stop.


I put down the snake and followed her.  What is she doing at this time in the forest of royals. Wait..dont she know that today is the royal hunt.??what if the ancestral snake could've bitten her to death.? Damn humans and their pathetic reasons.
As soon as she got out of the forest i breathed out and walked back in the forest.



Getting home i found my mom already back from work and waiting at the door holding a belt on her hands with the hard face.
Nosipho : " evening."
I tried to walk pass through her but she blocked my way and pulled me back by my hair making me stand infront of her.
Mom : " where are you coming from nosipho.??"
I looked at her with teary eyes then looked at my step father who enjoys sleeping with me everytime he has a chance.
Mom : " didnt you hear me.??!"
Nosipho  : " i took a walk."
Mom : " you think am a fool "
She helds my hair and twist it then started to do wonders with the belt on my body. I dont want to scream and i wont scream. Only tears will flow down but i wont let my voice out. Am used to this pain. Am used of being a punching bag to my mom and a bed that my step father can sleep on every night.

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