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The road to my house was so quiet.  When i was about to go to my car at the hospital i noticed the royal car so i had to go and stand somewhere else to wait for her to wearher dress.
The two minions are following me up and i know it. Why is it that they want me to meet this person in question.?

I opened the car door and looked at her sleeping on the car seat. I carried her in my arms and went straight to the house. The guard closed the door behind me and the door opened from inside by a guard. I walked straight to my bedroom.
It was now cleaned and the bed was made. I placed her slowly and covered her with a juvet . I noticed tears coming out of her eyes even when she is fast asleep. I now got bothered because her it started to eat me inside seeing her like this


Aunt : menzi.
Menzi : yes aunt.
Aunt : as you know.  You are not married to our daughter..so unfortunately you wont be able to attend her funeral.
Uncle : you won't even be included at the memorial program.
Aunt : it's the law.
I so damn hate the law.
Uncle : another thing..there was a man here earlier saying that we should get out of the house so..we wont be here tomorrow.  The funeral will be at her aunt's house since she had no home.
Menzi : its understandable.
Aunt  : you will have to leave tonight and sleep at your house or parents house tonight.
Menzi : what..i mean why.? I'll have to arrange that before going to them so i tbink Tommorrow morning i'll be out.
Aunt : ok. As long as you are safe where you are going cause they are taking their house.
Uncle: thuli was lucky to date a man like you.
I fake the smile
Menzi : let me go and rest before i call my friends and family for a place to stay.
Uncle : its ok.


It was late in the dark and the food was prepared.  I asked the maids to prepare delicious food that contains vitamins to boost energy for her since she drinks medicine.  I went to the room and found her still asleep.  Surely the injection did its work but it's time to eat now.
Ok firstly i don't even know her name..that's the question i avoided at the hospital but now i would be arrested even if the police come for a tea visit.

I looked at her and i just saw an angel sleeping. Am not a smooth guy like every girl things so am thinking of how to wake her up without something bad in it.
I cleared my throat first and kneeled down on my knees infront of her on bed.
Lethu : hey uhm..can you wake up.? The food is ready.
That was useless. But then she is a cute doll sleeping on my bed. Who would love to interrupt the sleeping beauty.  I stood up and slowly removed the duvet and slipped her into my arms.  She slowly blinked her eyes but closed them again. In a minute she snapped them open and her hands tightened the hold on my t-shirt to skin. I stopped moving when our eyes met and she looked like she saw a ghost.

Lethu : ohh hey. You are awake.
I smiled
Nosipho : what is going on.?
Lethu : we are about to have dinner.
She looked scared and looked down.
Lethu : are you ok with that.?
Nosipho : am not the dinner right..?
I wanted to laugh but felt guilty of something when her eyes became watery . Something is wrong with her.
Lethu : dont be silly. Am talking about real food on a plate.
We went to the dining room and i placed her on the chair.
Lethu : are you comfortable.?
Nosipho  : yes. Thank you.
I dished for her and sat opposite her . At least after three months my house is having a visitor for dinner and a sleep over.
Lethu : what's your name.?
Nosipho  : nosipho nyambose.
She looked at the food like its new to her eyes.
I also left my food and went to sit next to her.
Am not a romantic guy but since i started to be close to her i feel romantic. I dont know but am gentle to her.

Lethu : what's bothering you.?
Nosipho : nothing.
Lethu : i might be a fool sometimes but..whenever you get the chance to be alone you cry. I've seen it many times in one day and it makes me feel bad that maybe i killed you inside. I apologise for the accident and am fixing my issue right now but i cant help it when you dont open up to me. At least let me have a clue . If its about walking..you dont have to worry about it cause the doctor said you will walk again.

She looked down and tears dropped.
Nosipho  : you wont understand.
Lethu : is there anything that a man like me wont understand.
I smiled
Nosipho  : cause its a man like you who took life from me.
I was confused.
Lethu : people are not the same my dear.
Nosipho : you might see me the way you like after i tell you but..still it wont help me in anyway. I was raped by my step dad. It started to happen when i reached 19 years four months ago.  Mom wasnt aware of it and when i told her , i became a punching bag cause she didnt believe me. She was blinded by love. The day you hit me with your car i was running away from him. He shot my mother dead and ran away but he chased me. Thats when i noticed that there is a car coming.

I wiped my tear and stood up. My brath was short due to anger and i felt like i could hunt that man down and kill him. I never in my life hear such story. It is hurtful and painful. I decided to man up and hold my tears back. A man never cries.
I kneeled to her and hugged her. I didnt mind her tears to wet my t-shirt i just wanted the hug to take the pain away.
I sat back at the chair and looked at her..a guard interrupted.

Guard : my prince..the two princesses are here.
She looked at me in horror
Nosipho : a prince.?
Lethu : i can explain. I...
Bianca : so this is why you wouldn't want to go for dinner with us.?
Lethu : this is not the time.
Bianca : because of her..really lethu.
Lethu : bianca.!!
I heard nosipho sobbing and i faced her holding her hands in mine.
She snatched her hands away.
Dolly : lethu you went for a low class girl..like seriously does she know that she is sitting on a chair costing thousands.
Bianca : i can see the chair matter..herself though.  She stinks and not worth to be a future queen.  Like come on i dong even understand.
I furiously stood up and nearly slapped bianca so hard. I held myself back
Lethu : both of you out. Now!!
Dolly : we are your siblings and we are doing something better for the future.
Lethu : OUT.!!!

They quickly move back and sooner enough they left.
I kneeled down infront of nosipho

Lethu : forget about what they said. Please..you look good no matter what. It's...
Nosipho : sometimes wrong people are right. Thus also shouldn't bother you cause we have nothing in common. You are a prince. If i knew earlier i wouldn't have interfered in your life.

I kept quite but i wanted to say something to her..but it felt useless. We might not have something in common but yet it breaks me inside to see her in pains. She should know that she matters to the world.

Lethu : let me bring your pills.
Nosipho  : you are a prince. Not my servant..
Lethu : being a prince stops me from nothing. I insist.

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