Hired Guard Arrives!

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Here's the first chapter.


"Hey Thunder Thighs!
I wonder if you can choke me out with those thick ass thighs?"
I heard a stupid guy who has been sitting next to me at a cafe say to me, which was sexual harassment.

I'm half Asian and half African American, so being called a halfbreed isn't new to me, and Thunder Thighs is just the tip of the iceberg for me, and I stand up, walking passed this jackass, and while I walked by him, I dump my cold icy brewed coffee onto his head.
I flip him off.
"I bet you don't know where to find the clit, so keep it in your pants bitch."

"You whore!"
He stood up, pissed, and I sashayed away.

My big butt showing in my jean bootie shorts, and I wore a black Baphomet Kitty shirt, as well as I wore a cat eared knit beanie over my head of short dyed green hair, and the black clothes I wore showed off my chubby curves.

I wasn't going to take him sexually harassing me in public, so I didn't.
I headed to go to my new job I applied to, me supposedly meeting the boss at a building, that I was sworn to not reveal to anyone.
Me being a bodyguard I guess, mainly for a client that is high maintenance, but I'm unsure how much of high maintenance the person was.

I didn't truly get the gist of how high maintenance the client is, because they wouldn't reveal much.
The boss who hired me was Tony Stark, a famous billionaire extraordinair, so I was lucky to get hired, but alas this job I was warned will be tougher than any job I have taken, which confused me entirely.

I got into my car, which was an old Chevy truck that's orange and brown stripped, that I had a friend long ago install a CD player, and as well as a Bluetooth music connector, which was two years ago, that friend moved to another state, which I miss very much, he was a friend in his early forties, and I don't know why but I make friends older than myself, and I'm thirty-two, and those kind of friends are very kind and caring, not all people that age are tolerable, but my friends are.

The place I was to go was a gonverment building, which would take a long time to get to, so I enjoyed some music along the way, Jrock music from my phone that hooked to my Blutooth CD player, and I hummed as I drive, and my windows were rolled down halfway, and I had my music up a little loud, not much, and as I was at a red light some redneck says.
"Listen to English music you commie!
Go back to your country!"

I flip him off saying.
"This is my country I was born in and this music is better than trash you listen to, it's real music!"
I then drive off when the light turned green, and the guy turned to another road behind me, glad he wasn't following me to be even more racist.

After about an hour and a half I pulled up to some security guards, which have a blocked off drive in area, and I turn my music down, and say.
"I'm here to see Mister Stark about my bodyguard position."

I showed my identification and the security guard nods, saying.
"Park in the security guard parking lot which is just around the corner when you drive in."
I nod, and the blocking thing raised up, and I drive forward, and then do as instructed, driving forward, and turned the corner, seeing parking spots open, and I parked in a random spot, then turn my Blutooth CD Player off, then I grab my purse and phone, setting my phone in my purse.

I then walk up to the building and see my boss Tony Stark standing outside the building, and he looked to me.
"Miss Tina Shiva?"

I nod saying.
"Yes I'm Tina."

"I'll show you inside and explain everything.
And your stuff will be brought here too by the moving company."
Tony Stark says to me.

I say to him.

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