CHAPTER 4 | The Missing Thread

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Completion of our first world quest results in a generous level-up as I gaze at my stats, noticing I'm now a proud level fifteen

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Completion of our first world quest results in a generous level-up as I gaze at my stats, noticing I'm now a proud level fifteen. Upon returning Theseus to Ariadne, he gifted us a lock of the Minotaur's fur, which Braeden keeps secured in his inventory. I don't imagine it'll generate a lot of money, but the dungeon rewards alone should be enough for us to find an inn to sleep in for the night.

I glance at the analog clock in the corner of my vision, noticing it says 15:38. It's midday, meaning we only had a few hours of daylight left before we called it a night. If we want to make it to the second floor, we need to hurry.

"We need to ration our gold. Make sure we are saving just enough for food and lodging," I say, hoping the others will fall in line with my recommendation. As much as I want to believe everyone wants to be the hero in the game, there's no such thing as good without some evil. What's stopping other players from following suit of the mysterious cloaked assassins from PK-ing others?

"No, we need to upgrade our gear. Starting with Serafina's staff. She's lower in level than any of us," Braeden objects to my astonishment and frustration as he walks towards the town. "Her health and mana regeneration spells will come in handy for the sixth floor boss and last boss of this world. I know the forest is not our top choice, but we need to make do. Money will come as we progress further in the story. Our equipment is a priority."

"So you just want us to get picked off by some players who are trigger-happy? You might be willing to take that risk, but I'm not. We have people's lives at stake, and we're not going to risk them all because you want to be cheap!" I argue, unable to see through his reasoning. "This isn't a game anymore. These are people's lives!"

"Don't you think I know that?" He comes to a halt, his question comes out surprisingly calm, yet harsh. When he turns around, I catch a glimmer of what I think is fear, but it disappears quickly before I can confirm. His usual bright grin returns to his face and he says in a cheerful tone, like he's silently begging me to go along with his plan, "Please just listen to me, Mai."

There's a desperation in his tone and I have no choice but to put my differences aside and agree. "Alright."

"I'll go get some food and trade this in for a new staff for Serafina. Why don't the rest of you review the next world quest and take on some of the smaller minion camps on the second floor while you wait? The more levels you get, the better your stats," he asks next.

We all nod in acknowledgment and he disappears through the fog, leaving us alone. I glance at Serafina and Mist, who are wearing grim expressions, like they know something about Braeden's behavior. It's the first time I'd seen him act so differently from his usual cheerfulness. I want to ask why, but I remember Braeden isn't my friend. He's simply a means to an end. He's not my friend. Why should I care?

The door to the second floor sits on the opposite side of the first floor. To get there, we have to pass through the Plaza of Memories once more. Braeden could have easily waited and let us go with him since we're all headed in the same direction, but there's no sense in lingering on the past.

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