Killer Croc sinks his teeth into Death Battle

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Name: Waylon Jones, Killer Croc, King Croc, Croc

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Name: Waylon Jones, Killer Croc, King Croc, Croc

Origin: DC Comics, Detective Comics #524

Height: 7'5"

Weight: 686 Ibs

Gender: Male

Age: 30s to 40s, possibly older (Similar age-wise to Batman and started his criminal career at a little over 34)

Classification: Thug, Mutant, Arkham Asylum inmate



-Well-known and iconic Batman villain.

-Member of the Suicide Squad.

-Was diagnosed with a rare disease that makes him resemble a crocodile. Poor kid got teased, isolated, and abused by his uncaring aunt.

-Has gotten himself laid, with June Moon (aka Enchantress).

    *He helped her get a job and shared plenty of romantic moments with her.

-Was responsible for the death of Jason Todd's parents.

-Became a carnival wrestler for a time.

-Has ruled Gotham on one occasion, thus being called King Croc.

-Made an underworld empire with the poor.

-Single-handedly mauled an entire SWAT team.

-Finally surpassed his arch-rival, Bane in a fight.

-Got infected with the Hush Virus and got implanted to become a much more mutated crocodile.

-Temporarily became the leader of the Gotham Criminals Operation.

-Beat Batman in their first encounter, something very few villains have achieved.

-Breaks out of Arkham Asylum by cleverly cutting off his hands.

-Helped stop Zod in Russia when he attempted to kill the Suicide Squad.

-Became recognized enough by the Justice League to gain his trust.

-Stated by Batman to be able to lift a school bus... and eat half the children inside.

-Captured Damian Wayne.

-Helped fight the Justice League.

Kokonoe: Out of everyone in Batman's Rouge's Gallery, very few have a background as tragic as Waylon Jones.

Junko: Yeah, Lil' Waylon was born with a form of atavism that imparted him with reptilian traits. Because of this, every kid around him would always make fun of his hideous appearance. It also didn't help that his alcoholic aunt would always abuse him. But eventually, he snapped and killed a bitch.

Kokonoe: Clearly knowing that he was in trouble, Waylon would take refuge in the sewers, where he would eventually be found by the circus and joined the sideshow as the strongman wrestler "Killer Croc" Morgan.

Junko: And that's how he got his name, Killer Croc. And at the age of 20, he was already wrestling alligators twice his size! Yep, it was the good life!

Ann: ... Something tells me everything went horribly wrong...

Junko: It's comics, what do you expect? After a bad performance in Gotham City, Killer Croc went berserk and literally murdered everyone! This would land him a sentence in prison where he would be king! 

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