Adam Taurus will destroy everything Death Battle loves

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Name: Adam Taurus

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Name: Adam Taurus

Origin: RWBY

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 181.7 Ibs

Gender: Male

Age: Estimated to be around 23

Classification: Faunus (Bull), Former High Leader of the White Fang



- Was previously leader of White Fang's Vale Branch

- Had been a member of the White Fang for most of his life and had close ties to the Belladonna Family

- Attempts at capturing Adam had always met with lethal force and failure

- Was a widely respected figure in the White Fang surpassing even that of Sienna Kahn

- Defended White Fang Members including Sienna Kahn and Ghira Belladonna from bandits

- Refused an alliance with Cinder Fall...until their second meeting

     *Cinder Fall did not challenge Adam until she stole the Fall Maiden's power

- Alongside Blake raided a cargo train, and stomped an army of robots in the process

- Led an attack force of White Fang soldiers onto Beacon Academy

- Curbstomped Blake Belladonna and sliced off Yang Xiao Long's arm

     *Yang had PTSD for a while

- Overthrew Sienna Kahn, and became the new leader of the White Fang

- Ordered the assassination of Blake's parents just to punish her

- Attempted to destroy Haven Academy

- Escaped capture from Haven Authorities

- Murdered his followers in his rage and madness

- Fought both Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long nearly killing them both

Kokonoe: In the world of Remnant, human hatred of Faunus was not uncommon.

Junko: Faunus are basically humans with at least one animal-like feature. It's like if you took away Kokonoe's tails but left her ears... actually, that would look weird.

Ann: Yeah, taking her ears but keeping her tails is a lot better. Oh! Or maybe-

Kokonoe: Ahem! Anyway, while it wasn't uncommon to hate Faunus, they knew this hatred had to stop. Then comes Ghira Belladonna, a big guy who created the White Fang to settle human differences more peacefully.

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