Bill Cipher drives Death Battle mad

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Name: Unknown (His true name can cause madness in human beings), goes by Bill Cipher (As a dimensional username), Bipper (When possessing Dipper Pines), Creature No

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Name: Unknown (His true name can cause madness in human beings), goes by Bill Cipher (As a dimensional username), Bipper (When possessing Dipper Pines), Creature No. 326

Height: N/A

Weight: N/A

Origin: Gravity Falls

Gender: Indefinable (Bill's species has 14 billion different genders), referred to as Male

Age: At least 1 trillion years old (He has been trapped in the Dreamscape for this long)

Classification: Unknown species from the 2nd Dimension, Dream Demon



-Almost successfully got the code to Stan's safe, well he did, it was just shot out of his hands

-Successfully started Weirdmageddon and turned Gravity Falls into a madhouse

-Has caused havoc for The Pines Twins, Stanley Pines, Standford Pines, basically everyone

-One-shot the Time Baby

-Has made at least a cameo appearance or is pictured in almost every single episode

-Sealed Mabel in a bubble

-Created reality-warping bubbles that caused people to go insane

-Knows everything in the universe

-Outsmarted the likes of Ford Pines, who was supposed to go to the best college in the entire world

Mukuro: Trillions of years before the known universe came to be, the anarchistic Bill Cipher was originally a resident of the 2nd Dimension who hated being in a "flat world with flat minds and flat ideas". Thus, favoring chaos and destruction over anything else, he "liberated" his dimension into oblivion while assuming a 3-dimensional state. By fate, Bill learned he is destined to spread his chaos into the known universe and influenced humanity via their dreams to bring him to their reality as a corporeal being and plunge Earth and the cosmos into utter chaos who no regard for ultimately destroying it. Despite brief setbacks, first, the Oregonian tribesmen of the land that Gravity Falls was founded on and then Stanford Pines, whom he tricked to built a portal for him, the inter-dimensional demon bides his time until the chance to evoke Weirdmageddon presents itself.

Junko: That was a bit of a long introduction, Sis... let's shorten it up a bit next time.

Mukuro: Oh! Right.

Junko: Still, Weirdmageddon is right! This guy is incredibly strong!

Junko: Still, Weirdmageddon is right! This guy is incredibly strong!

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