Akane Owari is ready for a fight in Death Battle

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Name: Akane Owari

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Name: Akane Owari

Origin: Danganronpa

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 123 Ibs

Gender: Female

BHW: 93-53-87

Age: 22

Classification: Human, Ultimate Gymnast



-Fought on par with Sakura, Nekomaru, Monokuma, and the Monobeast

-Beat Mukuro, Peko, and Ibuki in a swimming contest then challenged Hina right after

     *Ibuki admits Akane has more energy than her

-Survived jumping off from the roof of Hope's Peak

-Destroyed a classroom in a fight with Nekomaru

-Can avoid attacks from Monokuma

-Survived the Killing School Trip

Junko: I think I'll be telling this one! *ahem* Hopes Peak Academy was more than just your everyday school. It was a school that only allowed the best of the best to enroll. Students called Ultimates were the best at what they do, even if all they were was simply lucky. But Hopes Peak didn't care about these Ultimate Nobodies... because this organization was really in it to try and create the Ultimate Hope for the world. Little did they know that the seed of despair had lurked into their school and used their little project to cause The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History... the Tragedy!

Ann: And I'm guessing that this seed of despair was...

Junko: Yep! It was all me baby! Soon, terrorists and coup d'etats sprang up and caused the despair that is war. It wasn't war that happened due to some clash of ideals, religion, or profits...It was just war for the sake of war! But even I'm only human you know? So I had brought up a little group to help me with my quest of filling the world with despair. 

Kokonoe: And so you made a group called the Ultimate Despair... also known as the Remnants of Despair.

Junko: Kyahahaha! Right again! And while I've got plenty of muscleheads in this little group, the real muscle of the team is Akane Owari!

Ann: Yeah, Akane's life was pretty rough. The environment she was raised in was extremely crappy, to the point that she wasn't surprised if someone ended up dead on the street. Due to this, she never bothered to learn anyone's names, not even her own siblings... then again... she doesn't even know how many siblings she has... yeah her mom really gets around.

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