Sandman breaks into Death Battle

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Name: William Baker (real name), Sandman, aliases "Flint Marko" and "Sylvester Mann"

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Name: William Baker (real name), Sandman, aliases "Flint Marko" and "Sylvester Mann"

Origin: Marvel Comics

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 450 Ibs

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Mutated Human (formerly), Human Mind Possessing Sand Mass, Criminal, Former Crimefighter



-One of Spidey's deadliest villains.

-Beat the shit out of a couple of bullies at a young age.

-Became the leader of a gang.

-Performed countless robberies with Vic and his girlfriend.

-After learning that his father was released from prison, escaped prison to be with him.

     *Escapes prison easily quite often and quite easily.

-Survived the crap ton of radiation required to get his sand-based powers.

-Defeated Spider-Man on his first outing.

-Attempted to force the principal to give him a diploma. 

-Fought against the Defenders.

-Escaped from the Human Torch.

-Easily defeated Spider-Man.

-Avoids detection from police and even the Avengers.

-Founding member of the Sinister Six.

-Captured the Human Torch with the Enforcers.

-Destined to murder one-third of everyone on Earth.

-Founding member of Frightful Four.

-Incapacitated the Thing, Mister Fantastic, and the Invisible Girl with the Frightful Four.

-Captured Invisible Girl with Frightful four.

-Managed to defeat Captain Marvel with the Frightful Four.

-Has survived run-ins with the Hulk.

-Defeats Nova.

-Overpowered Spidey with the Frightful Four.

-Fought Hydro-Man to a standstill.

-Beat cancer with radiation somehow.

-Survived his encounter with symbiote Spider-Man.

-Impressed Silver Sable so much he became part of her Wild Pack.

-Defeated a Sandman dopple-ganger.

-Became a hero for a period of time, and was good at it.

-Defeated Sandstorm with Spider-Man.

-Performed many amazing tasks with the Wild Pack.

-Stopped an attack from ULTIMATUM from attacking Buckingham palace.

-With Spider-Man, saved his father's life.

     *Although his dad wasn't thankful for it. 

-Defeated Avengers Academy with the Sinister Six.

-Defeated Intelligencia with the Sinister Six.

-Incapacitated the Avengers with the Sinister Six.

-Controlled an entire desert.

-Stopped Quiet Man's invasion of Earth, in which he was using the Avengers and mutated creatures, with the Frightful Four and Fantastic Four.

-Became a hero again in the AXIS crisis.

-(Spider-Man: Reign) Killed the Sinister Six and Venom by himself.

-(Marvel Zombies Return) Killed his universe's Spider-Man, in a VERY gruesome way.

      *We don't like to talk about that

-(Marvel Zombies Return) While infused with Tony Stark's nanobots, killed all of the Marvel Zombies.

-(Spectacular Spider-Man) Along with Spider-Man, saved the crew of an oil tank and wrapped himself around the oil tanker to save everyone else.

-(Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions) Gained a fragment of the Tablet or Order and Chaos.

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