Kasumi Yoshizawa vs Cloud Strife (Persona 5 vs Final Fantasy 7)

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Junko: You know

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Junko: You know... it sucks to have memories that don't belong to you. Once the memories of your dead friend or relative start to become your own, that's when you're no longer yourself... you're nothing more than a shadow of the past. But it's not like there are many guys that can understand that... well... except these two.

Ann: Kasumi Yoshizawa, also known as Violet of the Phantom Thieves.

Junko: And Cloud Strife, the mercenary of AVALANCHE.

Kokonoe: The stage is set and the combatants are ready.

Junko: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!

Junko: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!

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Kasumi was jumping on top of chandeliers in the ballroom of a large, bright castle before jumping down, landing on one knee. She stood on her feet and looked around.

Kasumi: Now... where is that treasure?

Cloud: Hey you...

She turned to see Cloud behind her with his sword over his shoulder.

Cloud: It isn't safe up here. Especially for a thief.

Kasumi: Hm? Well... I can say the same.

She drew her sword and pointed it at him.

Kasumi: For a mercenary...

Cloud: Hmph... alright then... bring it on!

 bring it on!

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