My father but not my dad

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Written on 13/12/2018

At 09:47

I kept hearing great things about you,

How you were going to love me and take care of me too.

I was waiting all these months to meet you,

To be cradled in your arms and be loved too.

Everyone told me you'll love me unconditionally,

And that the purpose of your life was to make me happy.

But you looked at my crotch and decided I was,

Not worth it. And so, I became fatherless.

For so many years I mourned your loss,

Cried myself to sleep countless nights.

I yearned for your touch and smile,

Wondered if you thought of me once in a while.

Dear father, I'm sorry I wasn't born a boy,

If I could choose, I'd have become one to keep you close.

I wished you'd come more than my lost favorite toy,

But you never come back to the worthless, I suppose.

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