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Sukia transmats to the beginning of the cave, close to the hole you jump down. I finally get the chance to manifest to speak to her. "Suki! You can't just leave Frost with those guys! You said it yourself, there's something fishy about them!"

Sukia gives a hotheaded "Hmph" before muttering. "He's a grown man. I'm sure he can handle himself just fine. Looks like he was handling Raven real good too."

"Wha..." I was frozen out of being stunned for only a few seconds before my Dreamer's Shell gives furious twitches and I ram my shell right into her face, hitting her in the eye with a hard bonk.

Sukia yelps in pain before trying to swat me away, but since one eye is unusable she misses me completely. "OW!!! Mother fucker— THAT FUCKING HURT!! What the FUCK?!" She screamed at me furiously.

"Good! I hope it bruises!" I feistily yell back at her, more or less saying that if she gets a black eye that I won't heal it.

"AAGH!!" She screamed furiously again, clearly in a lot of pain since it was the pointy edge of my shell that jabbed her eye. The hothead going from angry to seething. The woman tried to take another swing at me but again I easily dodged. That didn't seem to stop her as she still continued to chase me with one hand flying. "Shit fucking— piss guzzling— fucking— ASSHOLE!" Sukia seemed to cuss random things in her rampage and after a few minutes she finally stops and is left panting. She slowly takes her hand off of her hurt eye that was now red, puffy, and watery. She hisses in pain. "You fucking shitbag— what was that for?!"

Once Sukia was obviously worn out, I decided to give her a piece of my mind. "I know you're stubborn but I never took you for an idiot!" My insult made Sukia glare up at me with her one good eye. Before she could sass me, I continued to yell at her with a rare moment of cussing. "I can't believe you just left your own partner back there when he could be in trouble! Does that scar on your hand really mean that little to you?!" My words hit a sensitive spot since she flinched and looked away. "Now stop being stubborn and pull your head out of your ass!"

Sukia was silent for a long moment while rubbing her stinging eye before heaving a sigh. "...Fine. Just quit your bitching, you're giving me a headache!" Sukia snapped before turning around and going back into the cave while muttering, "And you better heal my eye, asshat."

"I'll think about it~" I chirp as I fly beside Sukia.

Deeper within the crystal cavern, the cave starts to get darker and more ominous.

Frost had his glove off, staring down at the pale scar on his palm that was once a deep self inflicted wound

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Frost had his glove off, staring down at the pale scar on his palm that was once a deep self inflicted wound. When their blood mixed, to him it felt like they had a deeper bond, a deeper understanding that words couldn't describe. Deeper than any other fireteam. And yet now there was confusion in his silver eyes.

"Frost." Raven speaks up, snapping the man out of his thoughts. "Fallen territory is intense up ahead. Be focused."

"Yeah.. I know." He says while putting his glove back on and Raven walks past him as her teammates murmur to each other farther ahead.

𝐔𝐧𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 •Part 2• (Destiny 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ