10: Invention MIA

Start from the beginning

"We should tell your parents about this, then search their room. It's the only place we haven't looked yet," Travis suggests and I nod. I didn't want to bother them at first but the situation at hand is very urgent.

"Avan, is something wrong?" Mom asks worriedly after noticing my downcast expression.

"I can't find my invention anywhere. Travis and I have searched everywhere in this house so I was wondering if we can search your room, that is, if you don't mind."

"I don't think it's in here but go ahead," she says and leads us inside.

"What's wrong, boys?" Dad asks as Travis and I begin searching the room.

"Avan's looking for his invention. He said he's searched the entire house and wants to search our room," mom tells him.

"Are you really looking for your invention or is this some kind of joke?"

"Do you really think I can joke about something like this?" I ask back, feeling distressed.

"Where did you keep it?"

"In my room."

"Then how come it's not there? I'm sure no one in this house can just go into your room and pick up your invention. Not even Austin."

"I don't even know," I drawl tiredly. "I covered it with a sheet in my room before we left for the party and when we got back, I found a microwave in place of my invention."

"You found a microwave?" Mom and dad ask in unison.

"Yes, a freaking microwave."

"This means you didn't lose your invention, your invention got stolen," dad reasons and Travis and I stop short in our search.

"That is very likely," mom agrees with him.

"In fact, it is not likely. It is exactly what happened," I say.

"Who could've come in here to steal your invention and replace it with a microwave without your parents knowing?" Travis asks.

"I don't know how they did it, but they are good. We didn't even hear any unusual noises tonight," mom says.

"The person who stole my invention must be a fellow competitor who somehow found out about my invention and wants to use it to win the contest!" I run my hands through my hair, thoughts running in a circle like a toy train trying to think of who the possible culprit could be.

"But no one knows about your invention except us. You were very careful about not disclosing it to anyone outside your family," Travis says.

"Looks like someone got to find out about it anyway and planned to steal it. They must've been spying on me to know where the invention is kept and to know when I am not home so they can make their move."

"Who on earth could this person be?"

"That's what I'm going to find out and make them pay for it."

"Alright boys, I think we should all go back to bed now, it's late and there's not much we can do at this time. We'll report this theft to the cops first thing in the morning, okay," mom says and Travis and I reluctantly return to my room.

I ponder over who could hate me so much as to do such a thing to me. No one comes to mind and I am left with no other option but to fall asleep. Mom was right, there's not much we can do at this time of the night, we would just have to wait till the morning.

* * * * *

"We should do an investigation," I say at the table during breakfast.

"By we, I hope you're referring to you and your dork friends," Austin quips.

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