I never knew just how much power my father has in our little town. The thought that there is a small ring of criminal activity in our seemingly normal town is hard to wrap my head around.

What's even harder to comprehend is the fact that my father is so involved. From my perspective he seems to be top dog when it comes to the influence of power compared to everyone else I've met.

My father has such a large team of people working under him, willing to answer his every beck and call.

"What the fuck." I whisper under my breath. My father owning Lush makes some sense because the last time I went I remember all the employees looking at me strangely. I chose to ignore it, but now it's so clear as to why.

My name and face has to be well known amongst everyone who works for, under, and with him.

Hot, sizzling chills ripple down my body as I think about all the people who know about me that I don't even know exists.

"Who are we possibly making a deal with tonight?" Kato asks Ravi. Kato has a bouncy ball in his hand, and has been throwing it against a wall and catching it repeatedly.

"Gedeon apparently." He shrugs his shoulders. "I'm not sure what about, but you know Anwir and Gedeon always have something up their sleeves."

"True." Kato hums. "So what are we wearing tonight? If we are planning on having a good night I say let's show out in some club appropriate fits."

"Oh, yes, let's plan!" Marshal says as he enters the room with Jax. He takes a seat a chair away from Ravi. Jax takes the seat right next to Marshal, and scoots his chair to sit closer to him.

"I think, a sexy royal blue moment. It will compliment my skin tone, don't you think?" Ravi waves his hand up and down his body wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"I think blood red would look good on my complexion." Jax has deep rich mocha skin, and a short black buzz cut hair.

"Why are we planning outfits? Just wear whatever, who gives a fuck?" I grumbled, not entertained at all with the conversation that was happening.

"Come on Arlo, you're such a downer. Let us have some fun." Marshal tsks me with a shake of his head.

"Whatever. Where's Miller?" I ask, desperate to have an excuse to leave this conversation.

"The office." Jax nods towards the door right outside the back room.

I groan, rolling my eyes, but stand nonetheless. "Thanks." I mumble walking out of the room.

I think the only reason I'm willing to seek out Miller, the same Miller who gives me constant headaches, is because of the lines I took before coming to the warehouse. 

In my leggings, big sweatshirt, and Old Skool Vans, I trudge towards Miller's office. Once I am standing in front of his door, I raise my hand and knock.

I rock on my feet, waiting for Miller to answer the door.

"Come in." I hear Miller yell from the other side of the door. I grasp the L shaped door knob and push down, while I push on the door to open it.

Miller's office is simple. Black and white modern interior with no personal decorations. It looks like the office was staged for presentation purposes, and never changed.

I close the door and lean against the door frame. I don't know what to talk to him about. I'm only standing in front of him because I didn't want to be involved in the other conversation at the table.

"How can I help you, Arlo?" Miller leans half his body down in a standing position, and plants his palms against the smooth black wood desk.

"I don't know." I shrug my shoulders, crossing my ankles over one another. "What's supposedly going on later tonight?"

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