10+3 = Unlucky for some.

Start from the beginning

"Oh Heya Jonothan, Haven't seen you in ages babes, We need to catch up," Lola said twirling a peice of hair.

"Yeah Sounds good, Oscar was looking for you Rosa," He said taking my hand. I walked out from the corner they'd got me and walked out towards the dancefloor. "What the hell did they want?" Jonothan said.

"OH you know the usual cliche stuff, Stay away from him, He's ours," I siad rolling my eyes.

"Oscar?" He asked.

"Of course,," I said.

"Good job, You're knight in shining armour was here again," He winked.

"Don't bring up what happened before," I said giving him a stern look.

"What happened to you afterwards," He asked.

"I went home the next day and Yeah...," I said looking down at the floor.

"Now You're going to tell me the truth," He said lifting my face up.

"Well, I looked you up, And I kept having nightmare's," I said feeling a bit sick. He pulled me into a hug.

"Come On lets go find Oscar," He said taking my hand and leading me through the dance floor.

A while later, Well, It was 11pm.

"Shouldn't we get going soon?" I yawned. We were sitting on a sofa I had my feet up over Oscar's legs.

"Do you want to go?" He asked.

"Only if you want to," I said.

"Fine, I'll go find Jonothan," He said getting up.

"No, You go say goodbye I'll find him," I said. I got up and looked aorund for any sight of Jonothan. There was a big group of guys that looked like who Jonothan was with earlier.

"Hey Have you seen Jonothan?" I asked.

"Never seen you before here beatiful," One of them said.

"Do you know where I can find Jonothan?" I asked.

"Out of the balacony," He said pointing to a door. I opened it. To see Jonothan making out with someone who had blonde hair.

"Oi, Casanova, Were going," I called out. The blonde spun around. Lola. I couldn't help it but a little chuckle escaped my lips.

"Alright Now coming," He said. "Bye Lola." He turned and followed me out from the balcony. A soon as we got away from Lola, I burst out lauging.

"Really, Lola?" I said inbetween giggles.

"I don't know, She was desperate and kind of pushed herself on me," He said than burst out laughing. When Oscar found us we wer sitll laughing.

"What's Going?" Oscar asked.

"Don't worry," I said.

Oscar and Jonothan dragged me outside. There was even more flashing and screaming than when we arrived.

"Are they real paps?" I asked as we flopped down in the seats.

"Yeah," Oscar said sounding defeated.

"Why are they here though, I didn't think they were that posh," I said.

"There Not really, Just have posh parents, which pap's love to make a mockery of, plus i think someone told someone that Oscar and Me were coming, Which means more Pap's," Jonothan said.

The next morning. I woke up and looked at the clock. Shoot. It was already 10:30. I streched and swung my lazy legs out of bed. I squinted as the blinding sun hit my eyes. The door swung open and in came Oscar.

"Rosa, You know the summertime ball, Mum Says that you are now suitable, You don't know how annoyed I was at her but then she showed me the paper and explained," he said in one breath.

"Right, Now tell me what you mean, Slooowllly," I said.

"Well, Last night Mum had a feeling that we'd go to Lol'as party and that there would be pap's there and she sort of said this morning that she was testing you to see if you were like all the other air heads of this place and this party and there was nothing in any of the papers about you, There was an article on Jonothan and Lola though, She wasn't happy about that. But she said that you are proper and not slutty, So your alright to go to the summertime ball, If that's alright with you," He said it like a cute and excited 5 year old.

"OKay, So basically I can go to the ball because you're thinks I'm not a slut," I said.

"Pretty mucj," He said rolling his eyes. I chuckled and went and hugged him. "Even though she said you have got to go do some more classes."

"Really, Cba, To be honest, Does It really matter that much?" I said.

"Actually No It doesn't matter, Go get dressed and have breakfast," He said.

"Fine, See you later," I said as he walked out my room. I open my drawers and pulled out a red and white skirt with a white strappy top.

"Come on then," Oscar said hugging me from behind while I was eating my frosties.

"Where we going?" I asked.

"Surprise," He said with  a big grin on his face.  finished the last spoonful of cereal as Oscar led me along the hallways.

He led me out the back door, I could already feel my feet getting damp in the flimpsy white pumps I'd worn on the dewy grass.

"Seriously Oscar, Where are we going?" I asked. He didn't answer but took hold of my hand as we walked further and further away from the house. The sun was beating down making the grass shimmer like diamonds. The tree's were still. What I like to call a perfect summer day.

"Taa Daa," Oscar said as we stopped. In front of him was a large oak tree and under neath it was a picnic basket. To the right was a glimering blue lake with a tyre swing hanging from a tree on the other side. It was beatiful.

Then suddenly my legs came up from underneath me and I was in Oscar's arms. He was running towards the lake.

"Oh No, Oscar!" I screamed.

"SPLASH!" I felt the cold water swim around me. I pulled my head out of water to see Oscar shaking his hair like a dog. I laughed at him and splashed him. He splashed back .

"Let The War Begin!" I said splashing him.

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