"I missed you and I'm here to remind you of the party," she said, her eyes sparkling.

"I remember. I'll pick you up at 7," I replied, and she nodded, a happy expression on her face as she left.

Blake and I finished our showers and made our way out of the locker room, feeling refreshed and ready for the party.

[At party]

I approached Emily lounging by the pool, offering her a drink, but she politely declined, content to soak up the sun. Suddenly, Blake materialized out of nowhere, clapping a hand down on my shoulder, and greeting us with a cheerful "Hey guys!"

"Hey Blake," Emily perked up and waved at him, the two of them exchanging friendly banter. But when Amanda joined us, Emily grew quiet.

"What are you guys talking about?" Amanda asked as she sat down.

"Just regular stuff, you know, gossip," Blake whispered conspiratorially. We all chuckled at his words.

"About who?" Amanda looked over at Emily, who shifted in her seat.

"About you," Blake teased her, causing Emily to push him back playfully.

"Nonsense," she giggled.

Despite the awkward moment, it felt good to be together with all my friends. I turned to Amanda and asked her where she had been for the past few days, and why she had been acting strangely lately.

She explained that she was still getting used to the new environment, and had also visited her grandmother in England. We all decided to move on from the awkwardness and start anew.

Blake suddenly stood up and suggested, "Hey man, let's go and play ping pong." I followed him, but before leaving, I turned back to look at Emily, who smiled at me with such love and admiration.

"Go on, I'll stay here, or I'll be there with my friends," she said, pointing toward her group who were playing some strange game.

"Okay, take care, don't go anywhere, and call me if anything happens," I told her before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, then I went to play with the boys.

As I played, I couldn't help but steal glances at Emily. She laughed and enjoyed her time with her friends, and each time she looked my way, my heart swelled with emotion.

Emily was the kind of girl anyone could fall in love with instantly. Her caring and kind nature, combined with her optimism and positive perspective on life, made her irresistible.

And the most amazing part was that she accepted me, despite knowing about my kind. I had told her everything, and she loved me for who I was, not what I was.

It was strange to think that I, a creature not of her kind, could fall for a human like her. But with just one look from her, my heart would flutter, and I would feel a swarm of butterflies in my stomach.

My eyes searched the crowded room for her once again, but she was nowhere in sight. I followed her scent and soon found myself standing at the edge of a cliff, the sheer drop behind the house sending shivers down my spine.

"Why would she come here?" I muttered to myself, my heart pounding with a mix of confusion and fear. And then, I saw her. She was on her knees, writhing in pain and screaming for someone to make it stop.

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