Chapter 73 - Conversations are Hard

Start from the beginning

"I like how writer sees physical reality as poetic story written in hidden code for us to decipher," I tell Jake, and his face freezes for a moment as if he is hearing voices in his head; his eyes are blinking slowly like owl's. Did he not understand what I said? Is it my accent, or is he not as bright as I thought? "His writing is beautiful, like prose."

"Whoa!" Hunter laughs. "You speak Jake!"

Jake smiles at me and shrugs. He looks baffled. Maybe he is not used to people speaking to him. "Yeah, he has some interesting thoughts. His science is sound, I assume, but I prefer less flowery writing when I want to do in-depth research on a subject."

"Oh!" I exclaim little disappointed by his answer. "You like boring books?"

Jake glares at me and shoves his glasses higher up his nose, using one finger. I don't think I'm doing this right. All his friends are laughing now, and if he is going to run, it will be away from me, not away with me.

"No, but I prefer The Feynman Lectures on Physics."

"Because it has less flowery speeches or because sometimes he was womanizer?"

"What?!" Jake snorts. He is half laughing and half frowning; he looks like somebody who stepped out of bed and walked into open closet door. "I'm interested in science, not scientists. You're welcome to groupie after flowery writers of science books if you want. I prefer clear facts."

"Thank you for permission," I grumble, pressing my lips together tightly. Maybe we will not become something after all. I don't think Jake likes me. Pity. I like the way he looks, and I love physics. I would really like to hear his thoughts and theories and talk about the book he's reading a bit more.

Well, there are other boys here. I'll just talk to them and hope I don't make them angry too. I am not sure what is happening; they are all grinning, glancing from Jake to me and back, and Jake is arching his eyebrows, looking haughty.

"Where's Bubbles," Hunter asks.

"She took off to her class when we parked," Tanner answers. He has been leaning against van this whole time, observing my conversation with Jake with slight smile. I wonder if he is angry with me for giving laptop to Hunter. When he looks at me, his expression is not readable.

"Why?" Hunter seems to be worried. "Did something happen?"

"You sure you want to know?" Tanner asks, and they both glance at tall boy with sad little boy face.

"Shit," Hunter says and puts his hand on sad boy's shoulder. He turns to me and smiles. "If you want a ride back home, just come to the car after school," he tells me and waves his hand in greeting. All boys say goodbye to me and follow Hunter and tall guy, but Tanner grabs my wrist when I'm about to go to my class too.

"Hey," he says, and I wait, looking up at him nervously. "Are you alright?"

"I'm sorry I didn't wait for you and gave laptop to Hunter." I bite my lip, not sure what else to say.

Am I alright? I don't think so. Not yet.

"That's fine. Was a better plan anyway." He puts his hands on my shoulders, looking down into my eyes. I'm aware of people staring and some girls whispering behind their hands, but I don't care. I am talking to very pretty boy, and he is touching my shoulders. We've done worse things on camera. Papa will be so angry, and it is making me feel little bit happy. "It's going to be alright, Ronja. Don't stress so much, okay?"

I nod my head and smile at him when he puts a hand on my head.

"Thank you for saving me, Tanner."

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