Chapter 39: Therapist

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Alaiya's POV:

Dayton plays peek-a-boo with me-a different version that he created. Usually, it's the adult doing it to the younger child. Here, he does it to me and I tickle him the second he opens his eyes. Surprisingly though, it shocks him each time.

Skyler and Sanchez are seen putting their shoes on.

"Where are you two headed?" I ask since they're always off to a new adventure which honestly, I love because I know Skyler always wanted someone who supported her need to try new things, meaning she definitely found her match.

"There's a new hiking trail nearby and I wanted to see how fast Jaxon and I can make it up there," Skyler says excitedly.

"And then I get to fuck h-." Skyler elbows Sanchez in his side immediately, earning a smirk from him.

"Anyhoo," Skyler says, now embarrassed, but also showing me what a part of her excitement includes. "We'll see you later tonight."

They both leave, a laugh coming out at how fast Skyler scurries out of here while Sanchez smiles at her from behind.

It's our last night here so we all promised it was not going to be a sad one. We're going to pretend that we're not all upset that we have to leave the luxury of having each other up and down the stairs. The way we're doing that is by acting natural. Everyone can go out and stuff, but we're all going to be back tonight to say our farewells to living here. Although, we did make a plan that we have to hang out very soon so the change doesn't feel abrupt.

My phone buzzes a couple of minutes later.

Aisha said she'd contact me if any new updates came in which is why my phone is always on me now.

Unknown: Hey, I was wondering if we could talk.

Now, after everything with the mysterious texts and the blackmail, a sense of panic rolls into me, but Ms.Walker is in jail. Eldon made sure of that so it can't be her. What if it's someone I know but just forgot to save in my contacts? I sometimes do that.

Me: Who is this?

A few minutes pass.

Unknown: It's Carson

I freeze, unable to process that.

Why...why is he...why?

I got a restraining order against Carson the second he got out of jail. It expired a few weeks ago and I had been meaning to get it renewed, but then the stuff happened at BDVPP and then the movie deal so it completely slipped my mind. I'm guessing Carson knows about this or else he would've never texted me. But why is he texting me in the first place? What could he possibly have to say? What could he think I possibly need or want to hear? That he's sorry? That he regrets what he did? I honestly don't care if he is or isn't. He did enough to make my life miserable and I've learned to cope and move on from it. The coping part is a work in progress, but I'm getting there, and talking to him won't help my progress. It'll just be me chasing my past that though is a part of me, I wish to not revisit physically.

Roman and my therapist would be so proud of me for that.

Speaking of Roman, do I tell him about this if I'm not going to respond or do I just pretend like it didn't happen? I don't want to be a bother. But I also don't want to lie to him. He's currently at his first therapy appointment. He started right before we were leaving this house because this was the only day available for an appointment. Also, his therapist's office is near our house and that way, he won't have to drive a long way once he gets settled.

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