Chapter 22: Door

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Alaiya's POV:

I'm not able to form words not only because of the ice-cold water that was dropped on me but also because of shock.

"You know, I'm surprised you didn't bring that little boy toy you brought on thanksgiving with you. How's he feeling after that coma by the way? Sorry, if it was me driving, he wouldn't have made it out, but that's the problem of not doing things by yourself," Ms.Walker; Carson's mother laughs as if this is a normal Thursday for her.

How did I not put that together? Oh, I don't know Alaiya, maybe because you didn't think your abusive ex's mother was psychotic! Also, Eldon did his research on her. She was someone from my past, but when he looked into where she was, he said that she had been living with Carson so we didn't think it could be her. Eldon even asked me to give him a description of her to finalize any minor details. I told him that she was rarely around and was a workaholic. If we're being honest, I didn't even know her very well besides the fact that she and my mom went to college together and the stories she told me.

I stare at her in disbelief.

"What? Nothing to say? Hey, at least you didn't ask those dumb questions like "why would you do this" since you already know why." She shrugs.

"No, I don't," I speak while trying to keep my teeth from chattering.

Her glare darkens towards me. "Ethan!" she shouts.

"Yeah," that man who threw the water on me replies.

"Get her dried up! I want to try other things." She smiles at me, a distasteful one before walking out.

The man returns with a towel and a change of clothes.

I'm still shivering a little even after the guy threw those clothes and the towel at my face to get me warmed up, but at least I can handle it now. The towel is still wrapped around me as Ms.Walker returns to the room, this time shutting the door behind her and locking it.

"You know, I'm a little surprised that you would do all of this just to make sure you're husbands' secret doesn't get out." She leans against the wall with her arms folded.

She still dresses the same as she did when I was little. The same blue suit she would wear to her business meetings, though the wrinkles on her skin have increased and her blonde hair has gotten a lot thinner.

I don't say this about anyone, but I feel like it's appropriate at the time after everything she's done.

Time did not treat her well.

"How did you even find out about what happened?" I finally speak since Eldon said we need evidence and hopefully that listening device that's hopefully waterproof is still working.

"Hannah and I used to work together back in the day. She would tell me small details about her son and their relationship and I pieced it together after a couple of things she said," she explains, almost making me vomit at how worse Roman's mother gets every time I hear about her. "I guess the saying is true. Men do go for women that resemble their mothers."

I don't even feel offended by her insult because I know I would never do the things Roman's mother did to him or to anyone for that matter. I know she's trying to get a reaction out of me. The part that disturbs me the most though is that she knew what Roman's mom was doing to him, yet she didn't decide to help him. Yes, she's obviously angry at me about sending Carson to jail, but that wasn't an issue back when Roman's mom and she worked together so she was basically just evil from the beginning. What type of person hears those types of things and doesn't help the child as fast as they can?

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