Chapter 15: Car

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Roman's POV

"Roman, where are my glasses?!" Alaiya paces around the house for the thousandth time.

"I sold them," I admit.

She throws a pillow at me in anger and like every time, I catch it since she throws like Autumn, if not worse.

"Sweetheart, we both know how this ends," I remind her, her glare intensifying at me as if I was the one threatening our family and putting myself in that coma.

She pats her head and realizes they were right there which I knew, I just wanted to see if she would blame me first. She did.

"Where's Dayton's chewing toy!" And, there goes the pacing again.

I grab her by the waist, pulling her back so she'll at least look at me which she hasn't done since we got back.

"Roman, we have half an hour and I've barely even begun on my own stuff and then I have to-." I cut her off by kissing her, my arm pulling her closer to me.

If I could have one singular wish, it would be to always be able to kiss Alaiya like this for the rest of our goddamn lives.

I hate how whenever I go to any event, I'm always told by the husbands how annoying their wife is and how they're 'stuck now'. Motherfucker, if you didn't want to marry the woman in the first place, why'd you do it? Do I call Alaiya annoying? Hell yes, and I'm not lying when I say that, but it's because I love that about her, not because I'm dealing with her since I have a ring on my finger.

She pulls away all of a sudden. "Roman, we can't do this right now. There is literally someone out to get us and I've already put our family in enough danger-." I stop her right there.

"You, haven't done anything," I tell her clearly. "You want to know who has done something? Whoever this person is that we're having to hide from, so stop blaming yourself and take one second to actually breathe."

"Tell me that if you were in my position, you wouldn't feel a little guilty," she tests me even though there's nothing to test.

"Guilty about what?! About how you were mentally and physically abused? That wasn't your fault! Walker took that damn picture all because you talked to the opposite gender! The only thing I feel guilty about right now is that I didn't do worse than punch him!"

I never raise my voice at Alaiya. I think it's dumb when people raise their voices at someone who's standing right in front of them, especially someone they love, but it makes me so damn angry that she doesn't see herself the way everyone else does. She doesn't see the fact that she's the most beautiful, stunning, strongest woman I've ever met and I wish I could make her stand in front of a mirror for five seconds because it took me just that amount of time to realize all those things, and that was even before we were together! That was during my whole denial phase.

What a dumbass I was.

She stands quiet because there's literally nothing she can argue with. Even she knows that I'm not lying, but I know how she thinks and I know that she'll put herself last no matter what, including if it has to do with her parents or Walker. She's too selfless for her own good.

"Now come here." The edge in my voice is still there from my previous rant, but I feel bad for shouting even if it's to get her to feel better about herself which is why I pull her in for a hug, kissing the top of her head. Her lavender-smelling hair invades my senses as I rest the side of my head on top of hers, the side of her head resting on my upper stomach.

I pull away, using my finger to pull her chin up.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you." And I got made fun of for not apologizing throughout my entire life. Look at my whipped-ass now.

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